Mediação e conciliação: debate sobre a importância do Tribunal Multiportas na resolução de conflitos
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Matos, Beatriz Soares de
Soares, Alessandro de Oliveira
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Membros da banca
O presente estudo parte do princípio que a constituição se respalta na a harmonia
social e comprometimento através da ordem, a possibiliade de promover a solução, de forma
pacífica, de conflitos, é uma demanda latente diante da realidade do Brasil. Logo, agilizá-los
além de ser um ideal, torna-se uma necessidade para que a celeridade nas demandas judiciais
ocorra. Assim sendo a Resolução n.º 125 do Conselho Nacional de Justiça - CNJ estabeleceu
a criação de núcleos e centros de solução de conflitos nos Tribunais Brasileiros. Logo surge
um importante conceito, relevante que é o do Tribunal Multiportas, cujo foco é dar uma solução
mais adequada e equilibrada para as partes, mostrando outro lado de acesso à justiça, onde é
muito mais célere, menos burocrático, econômico e eficaz. Assim sendo, o objetivo geral do
estudo foi comprovar a importância da participação, ainda que limitada, do advogado na
conciliação e mediação.
The present study assumes that the constitution is based on social harmony and commitment through order, the possibility of promoting the peaceful solution of conflicts, is a latent demand in the face of the reality of Brazil. Therefore, speeding them up, in addition to being an ideal, becomes a necessity for speedy judicial demands to occur. Therefore, Resolution No. 125 of the National Council of Justice - CNJ established the creation of centers and conflict resolution centers in the Brazilian Courts. Soon, an important and relevant concept emerges, which is the Multiport Court, whose focus is to provide a more adequate and balanced solution for the parties, showing another side of access to justice, where it is much faster, less bureaucratic, economic and effective. Therefore, the general objective of the study was to prove the importance of participation, albeit limited, of the lawyer in conciliation and mediation.
The present study assumes that the constitution is based on social harmony and commitment through order, the possibility of promoting the peaceful solution of conflicts, is a latent demand in the face of the reality of Brazil. Therefore, speeding them up, in addition to being an ideal, becomes a necessity for speedy judicial demands to occur. Therefore, Resolution No. 125 of the National Council of Justice - CNJ established the creation of centers and conflict resolution centers in the Brazilian Courts. Soon, an important and relevant concept emerges, which is the Multiport Court, whose focus is to provide a more adequate and balanced solution for the parties, showing another side of access to justice, where it is much faster, less bureaucratic, economic and effective. Therefore, the general objective of the study was to prove the importance of participation, albeit limited, of the lawyer in conciliation and mediation.
conciliação , mediação , tribunal multiportas , conciliation , mediation , multi-door court