O controle social como instrumento para efetivação da cidadania no Brasil: um estudo a partir das redes Observatório Social do Brasil (OSB) e Amigos Associados de Ribeirão Bonito (AMARRIBO)
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Viana, Heliete Rodrigues
Ribeiro, Hélcio
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Membros da banca
Giannattasio, Arthur Roberto Capella
Alarcon, Pietro de Jesus
Alarcon, Pietro de Jesus
Direito Político e Econômico
The present research aimed to investigate the form of control of public administration
conceived as social control through a study of multiple cases, as it has been developed in the
Brazilian State after the promulgation of the Constitution of 1988. Social Observatory of
Brazil (OSB) and Friends of Ribeirão Bonito Associates (AMARRIBO Brazil) were the nongovernmental
organizations and networks of control and supervision of public management
which were chosen for the case study. The case study involved a qualitative and descriptive
analysis of the actions developed by both civil society organizations, selected by their
contribution to the strengthening of social control in our country, which enabled a more
comprehensive basis for study. The main techniques used for the collecting of the study data
were the use of documentary sources, semi-structured interviews with those who played a key
role in the study and observations, aided by the analysis of the contents obtained by the
incursion into the entities websites. The study was based on the analysis of the constitutional
and infra-constitutional discipline about the possibilities of exercising social control, in
contrast to bibliographical and jurisprudential research on the subject. The research theoretical
framework was obtained by the analysis of contemporary theories about democracy and social
participation, highlighting the role and initiatives of the social sphere that is called civil
society, as well as the theoretical foundations of the public administration control, seeking
possible answers to the problems of the research, from a critical analysis. It was found that the
studied organizations seek to develop practices consistent with the statutory objectives
through their voluntary actions, but endowed with high professionalism, finding limits only on
the small number of social actors involved and on available financial resources. The case
study also made it possible to see that the Brazilian legal system provides skilled instruments
to allow the exercise of the right to participation and social control, lacking, however, on the
one hand the urgent implementation by the entities and their responsible public officials and
on the other, the interests of the holders of these rights, the citizens, individually and
collectively, to require those rights and exercise them.
democracia , cidadania , controle social , accountability
Assuntos Scopus
Viana, Heliete Rodrigues. O controle social como instrumento para efetivação da cidadania no Brasil: um estudo a partir das redes Observatório Social do Brasil (OSB) e Amigos Associados de Ribeirão Bonito (AMARRIBO). 2016. 263 f. Dissertação( Direito Político e Econômico) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo.