Combate ao narcotráfico: o fracasso do confronto direto e a outra via da política antidrogas
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Soares, Giulia Souza
Azevedo, André Boiani e
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O presente trabalho tem como objetivo desmitificar a ideia de “guerra às drogas”, apresentando o fracasso do sistema de confronto e vias de um combate indireto integrando o problema como um todo. A pesquisa foi realizada com base em livros, artigos, reportagens e documentários acerca do tema, além da Lei 11.343/2006 (Lei de Drogas). As pesquisas apontam o início da narco diplomacia americana e os aspectos históricos da criação das políticas antidrogas, assim como fracasso da atuação do Estado de forma repressiva, a ascensão das facções criminosas e o encarceramento em massa. Em uma análise mais detalhada vemos outros aspectos por trás da venda ilícitos, como a disputa por poder e a desigualdade social, a qual gera revolta, violência, e consequentemente um “poder paralelo”. Concluindo que, o combate indireto e a prevenção podem ser caminhos mais eficazes.
The present study has as objetive unmistify the idea of "war on drugs", presenting the failure of the confront system and ways of indirect combat integrating the problem as a whole. The research was realized based on books, articles, reports and documentaries around the theme, besides the Law 11.343/2006 (Lei de Drogas). The researches point the beggining of the american narco diplomacy and the historical aspects of the creating of antidrugs policy, thus as the failure of the State operation in a repressive maner, the uprising of gangs and the mass incarceration. In a more detailed analysis is possible to see another aspects behind the illicit trade, such as the power dispute and the social inequality, which generates riots, violence and consequently a "parallel power". Concluding that the indirect power and the prevention can be more efficient ways.
The present study has as objetive unmistify the idea of "war on drugs", presenting the failure of the confront system and ways of indirect combat integrating the problem as a whole. The research was realized based on books, articles, reports and documentaries around the theme, besides the Law 11.343/2006 (Lei de Drogas). The researches point the beggining of the american narco diplomacy and the historical aspects of the creating of antidrugs policy, thus as the failure of the State operation in a repressive maner, the uprising of gangs and the mass incarceration. In a more detailed analysis is possible to see another aspects behind the illicit trade, such as the power dispute and the social inequality, which generates riots, violence and consequently a "parallel power". Concluding that the indirect power and the prevention can be more efficient ways.
tráfico de drogas , poder , desigualdade social , confronto direto , drug trafficking , power , social inequality , direct confront