A legitimidade do figueirense futebol clube na recuperação judicial como leading case: uma alternativa aos clubes brasileiros em crise econômico-financeira
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Duarte, Gabriel de Macedo
Ramunno, Pedro Alves Lavacchini
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A Lei nº 11.101, de 09 de fevereiro de 2005, é a responsável pela regulação do instituto da Recuperação Judicial, Extrajudicial e Falências no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro. Destaca-se aqui a consagração do princípio da conservação da empresa, introduzida pelo diploma legal como um meio de oferecer soluções a crises que podem atingir os empresários. Tendo em vista a recente decisão em torno do pedido de antecipação dos efeitos do stay period pelo clube de futebol profissional Figueirense Futebol Clube, faz-se necessária a discussão e análise sobre a legitimidade de uma associação sem fins lucrativos que explora a prática de futebol profissional para figurar como requerente de um eventual pedido de recuperação judicial ou extrajudicial e trata-se de um marco dentro da história do futebol em nosso país. O futebol, no Brasil, ainda não é tratado da forma profissional que merece. Os clubes, instituições centenárias, são agentes econômicos muito importantes, que além da geração de atividade econômica, propiciam enormes ganhos sociais por meio do esporte e pela educação, por isso, o amadorismo deve ser deixado de lado em detrimento da gestão profissional. Somente assim, com mudanças radicais que podem ser alavancadas pela entrada em uma recuperação judicial ou extrajudicial, um ambiente propício para novos investimentos tem muito mais chances de ser formado, desenvolvendo o esporte futebol e indústria futebol em seu todo. Embora constituídos na forma de associações sem fins lucrativos, funcionam como se sociedades fossem, portanto, assim devem ser tratados. Ainda, são demonstrados exemplos de fora do país, mais precisamente da Espanha e Inglaterra, que só corroboram com a necessidade de existência dessa alternativa no Brasil. O objetivo do presente trabalho, portanto, é a demonstração da importância dessa decisão pioneira de reconhecimento de legitimidade do Figueirense Futebol Clube para figurar nos procedimentos da Lei nº 11.101, e, que, em caso de sucesso, o que isso pode representar para outros clubes em situações financeiras igualmente delicadas. Por fim, conclui-se que os clubes podem ser associações sem fins lucrativos, mas não são associações sem fins econômicos, portanto, devem ter todas as prerrogativas falimentares como se sociedades empresárias fossem.
The Brazilian Law No. 11,101 of February 9, 2005 is responsible for the regulation of the Judicial, Extrajudicial and Bankruptcy Reorganization institute in the Brazilian legal system. The consecration of the principle of conservation of the company, introduced by the legal diploma, stands out here as the purpose of offering solutions to crises that may affect entrepreneurs. Due to the recent decision on the request for anticipation of the effects of the stay period by the professional football club Figueirense Futebol Clube, it is necessary to discuss and analyze the legitimacy of a non-profit association that explores the practice of professional football to appear as the applicant for a possible request for judicial or extrajudicial recovery, it is a milestone within the history of football in our country. Football in Brazil is still not treated as professionally as it deserves. Clubs, centenary institutions, are very important economic agents, which, in addition to generating economic activity, provide enormous social gains through sport and education, therefore, amateurism must be set aside at the expense of professional management. Only then, with radical changes that can be leveraged by entering a judicial or extrajudicial recovery, an open environment to new investments is much more likely to be formed, developing the football as sport and football as industry. Although constituted in the form of non-profit Associations, they function as if they were enterprises, so they should be treated accordingly. Still, examples are shown from outside the country, more precisely from Spain and England, which only corroborate to the need for this alternative to exist in Brazil. The objective of the present work, therefore, is to demonstrate the importance of this pioneering decision to recognize the legitimacy of Figueirense Futebol Clube to figure in the procedures of Law No. 11.101, and that, in case of success, what this may represent for other clubs in equally delicate financial situations. Finally, it is concluded that clubs can be non-profit associations, but they are not non-economic associations, so they must have all bankruptcy prerogatives as if business companies were.
The Brazilian Law No. 11,101 of February 9, 2005 is responsible for the regulation of the Judicial, Extrajudicial and Bankruptcy Reorganization institute in the Brazilian legal system. The consecration of the principle of conservation of the company, introduced by the legal diploma, stands out here as the purpose of offering solutions to crises that may affect entrepreneurs. Due to the recent decision on the request for anticipation of the effects of the stay period by the professional football club Figueirense Futebol Clube, it is necessary to discuss and analyze the legitimacy of a non-profit association that explores the practice of professional football to appear as the applicant for a possible request for judicial or extrajudicial recovery, it is a milestone within the history of football in our country. Football in Brazil is still not treated as professionally as it deserves. Clubs, centenary institutions, are very important economic agents, which, in addition to generating economic activity, provide enormous social gains through sport and education, therefore, amateurism must be set aside at the expense of professional management. Only then, with radical changes that can be leveraged by entering a judicial or extrajudicial recovery, an open environment to new investments is much more likely to be formed, developing the football as sport and football as industry. Although constituted in the form of non-profit Associations, they function as if they were enterprises, so they should be treated accordingly. Still, examples are shown from outside the country, more precisely from Spain and England, which only corroborate to the need for this alternative to exist in Brazil. The objective of the present work, therefore, is to demonstrate the importance of this pioneering decision to recognize the legitimacy of Figueirense Futebol Clube to figure in the procedures of Law No. 11.101, and that, in case of success, what this may represent for other clubs in equally delicate financial situations. Finally, it is concluded that clubs can be non-profit associations, but they are not non-economic associations, so they must have all bankruptcy prerogatives as if business companies were.
captação de recursos , recuperação judicial , associações , futebol brasileiro , fundraising , bankruptcy law , associations , brazilian football