Estudo para a produção de uma reportagem sobre pessoas que se valem do subemprego como forma de sobreviver no exterior: Reportagem Online: Au Pair 360º
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Martins, Bruna Vieira Corrêa
Santoro, André
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Este relatório embasa uma reportagem sobre o programa de intercâmbio
cultural "Au Pair". A ideia foi explorar o intercâmbio em 360 graus, aproveitando todo
o conhecimento que essa experiência poderia proporcionar, e expor o tema em uma
reportagem online em estilo "parallax". Com esse objetivo, foi realizada uma pré-
apuração para compreender os intercâmbios culturais que, por meio da remuneração,
viabilizam uma estadia no exterior, bem como as relações entre imigração e
subemprego no contexto desses mesmos programas. A apuração, feita nos Estados
Unidos, resultou em uma reportagem que aborda a vivência da autora como "au pair",
bem como as histórias relacionadas a outros personagens. Também foram
exploradas, do ponto de vista narrativo e conceitual, as regras do programa, o cenário
político de fundo e o jornalismo online, com destaque para as grandes reportagens
produzidas nesse formato.
This report supports an essay about the Au Pair cultural exchange program. The idea was to explore the exchange in 360 degrees, taking advantage of all the knowledge that this experience could provide, and expose the theme in a parallax-style online report. With this purpose, a pre-investigation was carried out to understand the cultural exchanges that, through remuneration, make it possible to live abroad, as well as the relations between immigration and underemployment in the context of these same programs. The investigation, made in the United States, resulted in a report that addresses the author's experience as an au pair, as well as stories related to other characters. From the narrative and conceptual point of view, the program rules, the background political scenario and online journalism were also explored, highlighting the great reports produced in this format.
This report supports an essay about the Au Pair cultural exchange program. The idea was to explore the exchange in 360 degrees, taking advantage of all the knowledge that this experience could provide, and expose the theme in a parallax-style online report. With this purpose, a pre-investigation was carried out to understand the cultural exchanges that, through remuneration, make it possible to live abroad, as well as the relations between immigration and underemployment in the context of these same programs. The investigation, made in the United States, resulted in a report that addresses the author's experience as an au pair, as well as stories related to other characters. From the narrative and conceptual point of view, the program rules, the background political scenario and online journalism were also explored, highlighting the great reports produced in this format.
intercâmbio cultural , Au Pair , reportagem online , parallax , cultural exchange , Au Pair , online reporting , parallax