Efeitos da Covid-19 nas concessões rodoviárias e aeroportuárias
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Ferreira, Guilherme Kawano Machado
Nohara, Irene Patricia
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Cumpre o presente estudo abordar a relevância dos serviços públicos de transportes, em especial
aos setores aéreo e rodoviário, em relação aos impactos e consequências geradas pela Pandemia
do COVID-19 sobre os contratos de concessão das concessionárias destes setores, como
também analisar os aspectos existentes para eventual efetivação do reequilíbrio econômicofinanceiro
de seus respectivos contratos de concessão. Conforme será exposto, diversos foram
os atos da Administração Pública na direção do combate à Pandemia do COVID-19, com isso
problematiza-se se tais atos se enquadram como evento juridicamente configurador do fato do
príncipe (ou da Administração), bem como se a própria a Pandemia pode ser definida como
evento de força maior (ou caso fortuito). Será procedida, com amparo no método hipotéticodedutivo,
a análise da legislação e das normas aplicáveis, bem como dos termos contratuais,
tem por objetivo verificar se tais perdas (ou ganhos) financeiros estariam dentro do rol de riscos
assumidos pelos Poderes Concedentes ou pelos concessionários, procurando, portanto, indagar
se as concessionárias detém o direito ao pleito de reequilíbrio contratual de modo
extraordinário. Espera-se, portanto, contribuir para a reflexão sobre reequilíbrio econômicofinanceiro
dos contratos de concessão nos setores rodoviário e aeroportuário, diante dos
desafios que a Pandemia da COVID-19 suscita, dado impacto nos transportes.
The present study demonstrates the relevance of public transport services, especially in air and road sectors, in relation to the impacts and consequences generated by the COVID-19 pandemic on the Concession Contracts of the concessionaires in those sectors, as well as an analysis about the existing aspects for the eventual realization of the economic and financial rebalancing of their respective Concession Contracts. As will be detailed in the present study, there were several Public Administration acts in view of combating the COVID-19 pandemic, thus it is pertinent to verify if such acts fit as a prince's (or Administration's) de facto event, as well as if the pandemic itself can be defined as a force majeure event (or fortuitous event). Supported by the hypothetical-deductive method, the analysis of the applicable legislation and standards, as well as the contractual terms, aims to verify whether such financial losses (or gains) would be within the list of risks assumed by the Granting Powers or concessionaires, thus concluding, at least in the abstract, whether the concessionaires have the right to an extraordinary contractual rebalancing claim. Therefore, it is expected to contribute to the reflection on the economicfinancial rebalancing of concession contracts in the road and airport sectors, given the challenges posed by the COVID-19 Pandemic, due to its impact on the transportation sector.
The present study demonstrates the relevance of public transport services, especially in air and road sectors, in relation to the impacts and consequences generated by the COVID-19 pandemic on the Concession Contracts of the concessionaires in those sectors, as well as an analysis about the existing aspects for the eventual realization of the economic and financial rebalancing of their respective Concession Contracts. As will be detailed in the present study, there were several Public Administration acts in view of combating the COVID-19 pandemic, thus it is pertinent to verify if such acts fit as a prince's (or Administration's) de facto event, as well as if the pandemic itself can be defined as a force majeure event (or fortuitous event). Supported by the hypothetical-deductive method, the analysis of the applicable legislation and standards, as well as the contractual terms, aims to verify whether such financial losses (or gains) would be within the list of risks assumed by the Granting Powers or concessionaires, thus concluding, at least in the abstract, whether the concessionaires have the right to an extraordinary contractual rebalancing claim. Therefore, it is expected to contribute to the reflection on the economicfinancial rebalancing of concession contracts in the road and airport sectors, given the challenges posed by the COVID-19 Pandemic, due to its impact on the transportation sector.
concessões , concessões aeroportuárias , concessões rodoviárias , covid 19 , concessions , airport concessions , road concessions , economic-finacional rebalancing