A inovação da cadeia de custódia como instrumento de segurança jurídica processual penal brasileira
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Barbosa, Ariane Gabrielle
Petean, Fabiano Augusto
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A inovação da cadeia de custódia como instrumento de segurança jurídica no processo penal brasileira representa avanços significativos na forma como as evidências e objetos são tratados ao longo das investigações criminais. Esse conceito enfatiza a importância de documentar e controlar rigorosamente o manuseio, transporte e armazenamento de provas, com o objetivo de preservar a integridade das evidências e garantir o cumprimento das garantias processuais. A inovação da cadeia de custódia abraça a tecnologia e práticas modernas para aprimorar a segurança e confiabilidade do processo penal. Isso envolve a implementação de sistemas eletrônicos de rastreamento, códigos de barras, câmeras de vigilância e registros digitais para monitorar o movimento das evidências de maneira mais eficiente e transparente.O cerne dessa inovação reside na proteção dos direitos fundamentais dos acusados, como o direito a um julgamento justo, o devido processo legal e a presunção de inocência. Manter a integridade das provas por meio de uma cadeia de custódia adequada é essencial para evitar adulteração, substituições ou contaminações que possam comprometer a justiça do julgamento. Além disso, a cadeia de custódia adequada é um requisito para a admissibilidade de evidências em tribunal. Se a cadeia de custódia for quadrada ou inadequada, as provas podem ser excluídas do processo, enfraquecendo o caso da acusação. A inovação da cadeia de custódia serve como um mecanismo de proteção contra a má
conduta policial e qualquer tentativa de plantar evidências em um caso. Ela promove a transparência e prestação de contas no sistema de justiça criminal, o que é fundamental para manter a confiança do público.No entanto, a inovação da cadeia de custódia também enfrenta desafios, como a manipulação indevida de evidências e erros humanos. Portanto, a legislação e a regularização específica são frequentemente implementadas para estabelecer diretrizes claras e garantir a observância da cadeia de custódia durante investigações e julgamentos criminais. Em resumo, a inovação da cadeia de custódia é um avanço crucial no sistema de justiça, garantindo a segurança jurídica no processo penal por meio do uso de tecnologia e práticas modernas para preservar a integridade das provas, proteger os direitos dos acusados e manter a confiança no sistema de justiça
The innovation of chain of custody as a legal security instrument in criminal brazilian proceedings represents significant advances in the way evidence and objects are treated throughout criminal investigations. This concept emphasizes the importance of documenting and rigorously controlling the handling, transport, and storage of evidence, with the aim of preserving the integrity of the evidence and ensuring compliance with procedural guarantees.Chain of custody innovation embraces modern technology and practices to enhance the security and reliability of the criminal process. This involves implementing electronic tracking systems, bar codes, surveillance cameras and digital records to monitor the movement of evidence in a more efficient and transparent manner.The core of this innovation lies in protecting the fundamental rights of the accused, such as the right to a fair trial, due process, and the presumption of innocence. Maintaining the integrity of the bows through an adequate chain of custody is essential to avoid tampering, substitutions or contamination that could compromise the fairness of the trial. Furthermore, adequate chain of custody is a requirement for the admissibility of evidence in court. If the chain of custody is uneven or inadequate, evidence may be excluded from the case, weakening the prosecution's case.The innovation of custody serves as a protective mechanism against police misconduct and any attempt to plant evidence in a case. It promotes transparency and accountability in the criminal justice system, which is critical to maintaining public trust. However, chain of custody innovation also faces challenges, such as improper handling of evidence, human errors. Therefore, legislation and specific regularization are frequently implemented to establish clear guidelines and ensure compliance with the chain of custody during criminal investigations and trials.In summary, chain of custody innovation is a crucial advancement in the justice system, ensuring legal certainty in the criminal process using modern technology and practices to preserve the integrity of evidence, protect the rights of the accused and maintain trust in the justice system.
The innovation of chain of custody as a legal security instrument in criminal brazilian proceedings represents significant advances in the way evidence and objects are treated throughout criminal investigations. This concept emphasizes the importance of documenting and rigorously controlling the handling, transport, and storage of evidence, with the aim of preserving the integrity of the evidence and ensuring compliance with procedural guarantees.Chain of custody innovation embraces modern technology and practices to enhance the security and reliability of the criminal process. This involves implementing electronic tracking systems, bar codes, surveillance cameras and digital records to monitor the movement of evidence in a more efficient and transparent manner.The core of this innovation lies in protecting the fundamental rights of the accused, such as the right to a fair trial, due process, and the presumption of innocence. Maintaining the integrity of the bows through an adequate chain of custody is essential to avoid tampering, substitutions or contamination that could compromise the fairness of the trial. Furthermore, adequate chain of custody is a requirement for the admissibility of evidence in court. If the chain of custody is uneven or inadequate, evidence may be excluded from the case, weakening the prosecution's case.The innovation of custody serves as a protective mechanism against police misconduct and any attempt to plant evidence in a case. It promotes transparency and accountability in the criminal justice system, which is critical to maintaining public trust. However, chain of custody innovation also faces challenges, such as improper handling of evidence, human errors. Therefore, legislation and specific regularization are frequently implemented to establish clear guidelines and ensure compliance with the chain of custody during criminal investigations and trials.In summary, chain of custody innovation is a crucial advancement in the justice system, ensuring legal certainty in the criminal process using modern technology and practices to preserve the integrity of evidence, protect the rights of the accused and maintain trust in the justice system.
inovação , cadeia de custódia , segurança jurídica processual penal