Atividades extensionistas e o sistema prisional: a possível relação entre a universidade e o cárcere
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Filizzola, Bianca Lavorato
Dezem, Guilherme Madeira
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O presente artigo tem como objetivo trazer reflexões sobre a aproximação entre a universidade e o sistema prisional através de atividades de extensão, buscando evidenciar as possibilidades, objetivos e importância da entrada da sociedade no cárcere. A universidade, como espaço voltado para formação e reflexão, não se restringe apenas à reprodução de conhecimento ou à formação de profissionais, mas é também local de debate sobre a criação e interpretação da realidade, possuindo um papel relevante de articulação com outras instituições. O sistema prisional brasileiro, por sua vez, possui uma justiça criminal que não cumpre com a função de prevenção da pena, haja visto o número de encarcerados no país, dificultando a reinserção destes na sociedade. E é com esse panorama que a extensão universitária, eixo indissociável da universidade juntamente com o ensino e pesquisa, se coloca como possibilidade de mudança, pois cria e possibilita o diálogo entre a academia e a sociedade e também entre a academia e o cárcere, ajudando construir e formar pessoas comprometidas com o próximo e com a comunidade, incluindo a parcela da sociedade privada de liberdade. Após uma análise e revisão de literaturas sobre o tema e com base na legislação vigente, conclui-se que, através das atividades de extensão, é possível relacionar e aproximar a academia do sistema prisional, minimizando assim os impactos provenientes do cárcere e construindo mais inclusiva, tornando dois segmentos antagônicos – comunidade e cárcere - cada vez mais preparados para conviverem em sociedade de maneira harmônica.
The present scientific essay intends to bring reflections about university extension and its relation with the prision system through extension activities, seeking to highlight the possibilities, objectives and importance of society's entry into prison. The university, as a space for training and reflection, is not restricted to the reproduction of knowledge or the training of professionals, but it is also a place for debate on the creation and interpretation of reality, having a relevant role of articulation with other institutions. The Brazilian prison system, in turn, has a criminal justice system that does not fulfill the function of preventing the penalty, as clearly demonstrated by the number of prisoners in the country, and the difficulty of social reintegration. And it is with this panorama that university extension, an inseparable axis of the university together with teaching and research, poses itself as a possibility for change, as it creates and enables dialogue between academia and society and also between academia and prison, helping build and train people committed to each other and the community, including a portion of the private society of liberty. After an analysis and review of literature on the topic and based on current legislation, it is concluded that, through extension activities, it is possible to relate and bring the academy closer to the prison system, thus minimizing the impact of prison and building a society more inclusive, making two antagonistic segments - community and prison - increasingly prepared to live in a harmonious way in society.
The present scientific essay intends to bring reflections about university extension and its relation with the prision system through extension activities, seeking to highlight the possibilities, objectives and importance of society's entry into prison. The university, as a space for training and reflection, is not restricted to the reproduction of knowledge or the training of professionals, but it is also a place for debate on the creation and interpretation of reality, having a relevant role of articulation with other institutions. The Brazilian prison system, in turn, has a criminal justice system that does not fulfill the function of preventing the penalty, as clearly demonstrated by the number of prisoners in the country, and the difficulty of social reintegration. And it is with this panorama that university extension, an inseparable axis of the university together with teaching and research, poses itself as a possibility for change, as it creates and enables dialogue between academia and society and also between academia and prison, helping build and train people committed to each other and the community, including a portion of the private society of liberty. After an analysis and review of literature on the topic and based on current legislation, it is concluded that, through extension activities, it is possible to relate and bring the academy closer to the prison system, thus minimizing the impact of prison and building a society more inclusive, making two antagonistic segments - community and prison - increasingly prepared to live in a harmonious way in society.
sistema prisional , universidade , extensão , prisions , university , extension