Desenvolvimento de sistema para consumo de energia baseado em reconhecimento de padrão de imagem
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Sapag Neto, Antonio Miguel
Lima, Bruno Luis Soares de
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A leitura dos medidores de energia eletromecânicos tem sido tradicionalmente realizada de forma manual, contando com profissionais qualificados e treinados. Tal tarefa envolve várias ações relacionadas a economia, como o custo envolvido em todo o processo, desde a contratação até a especialização do profissional, assim como aspectos relacionados a confiabilidade dos valores medidos. O objetivo central desse estudo é apresentar a possibilidade do desenvolvimento de um sistema capaz de realizar uma leitura eficiente de um medidor de energia eletromecânico através da programação computacional, com a validação de conceitos que envolvem o reconhecimento de imagem. Para isso, utiliza-se métodos de visão computacional para gerar um reconhecimento dos relógios (círculos), e posteriormente, da posição do ponteiro no medidor. Pode-se dizer que os resultados obtidos no projeto foram satisfatórios, atingindo o principal objetivo do estudo
The reading of electromechanical energy meters has traditionally been performed manually, with qualified and trained professionals. This task involves several actions related to economy, such as the cost involved in the entire process, from hiring to professional specialization, as well as aspects related to the reliability of the measured values. The main objective of this study is to present the possibility of developing a system capable of performing an efficient reading of an electromechanical energy meter through computer programming, with the validation of concepts involving image recognition. For this, computer vision methods are used to generate a recognition of the clocks (circles), and later, the position of the pointer in the meter. It can be said that the results obtained in the project were satisfactory, reaching the main objective of the study.
The reading of electromechanical energy meters has traditionally been performed manually, with qualified and trained professionals. This task involves several actions related to economy, such as the cost involved in the entire process, from hiring to professional specialization, as well as aspects related to the reliability of the measured values. The main objective of this study is to present the possibility of developing a system capable of performing an efficient reading of an electromechanical energy meter through computer programming, with the validation of concepts involving image recognition. For this, computer vision methods are used to generate a recognition of the clocks (circles), and later, the position of the pointer in the meter. It can be said that the results obtained in the project were satisfactory, reaching the main objective of the study.
medidor de energia eletromecânico , visão computacional , reconhecimento de imagem , electromechanical energy meter , computer vision , image recognition