ODR – análise do site: www.consumidor.gov.br
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Ortiz, Bruno de Oliveira
Guilherme, Luiz Fernando do Vale de Almeida
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Membros da banca
O advento da tecnologia revolucionou diversos setores da sociedade, inclusive o sistema de resolução de conflitos. Com o surgimento da internet, novas formas de solucionar disputas ganharam força, como é o caso do Online Dispute Resolution (ODR). Nesse contexto, o site www.consumidor.gov.br tornou-se um importante meio para solucionar conflitos entre consumidores e fornecedores. O objetivo desta pesquisa é contribuir para o debate sobre o uso do ODR no Brasil, destacando as possibilidades e limitações dessa ferramenta, bem como os desafios e oportunidades para a promoção do acesso à justiça. Para atingir esse objetivo, foram estabelecidos os seguintes objetivos específicos: (i) conceituar o ODR e seus princípios fundamentais; (ii) apresentar um histórico do ODR no Brasil e no mundo; (iii) analisar as características e funcionalidades do site do consumidor, desenvolvido pelo Governo Federal; (iv) discutir a efetividade do site na solução de conflitos; (v) avaliar o impacto do ODR no site, na proteção dos direitos do consumidor e na redução da sobrecarga do Judiciário. A partir da análise crítica do site, serão avaliados os benefícios do uso do ODR para a solução de conflitos entre consumidores e fornecedores, bem como os desafios e limitações dessa ferramenta. Ademais, será discutida a efetividade do ODR no site, na proteção dos direitos do consumidor e na redução da sobrecarga do Judiciário. O estudo demonstrou que o site disponibilizado pelo Governo Federal apresenta efetividade no sentido de reduzir os custos que incidem nos processos que tramitam de forma convencional. A utilização das técnicas de ODR proporcionam celeridade no acesso à justiça sem aumentar as demandas jurisdicionais.
The advent of technology disrupted many sectors of society, including the dispute resolution system. With the advent of the internet, new ways to solve disputes have gained strength, such as Online Dispute Resolution (ODR). In this context, the site www.consumidor.gov.br became an important mechanism for resolving conflicts between consumers and suppliers. The objective of this research is to contribute to the debate about the use of ODR in Brazil, highlighting the possibilities and limitations of this tool, as well as the challenges and opportunities for promoting access to justice. To reach this goal, the following specific objectives were established: (i) conceptualize ODR and its fundamental principles; (ii) present a history of ODR in Brazil and worldwide; (iii) analyze the characteristics and functionalities of the consumers' website, developed by the Federal Government; (iv) discuss the website's effectiveness in resolving conflicts; (v) evaluate the impact of ODR on the website in protecting consumer rights and reducing the Judiciary's overload. Based on the critical analysis of the site, the benefits of using ODR to solve conflicts between consumers and suppliers will be evaluated, as well as the challenges and limitations of this tool. Furthermore, will be discussed the effectiveness of ODR on the site in protecting consumer rights and reducing the overload of the judiciary. The study showed that the provided Federal Government website is effective in reducing the costs incurred in conventional lawsuits. The use of ODR techniques provides celerity in the access to justice without increasing jurisdictional demands.
The advent of technology disrupted many sectors of society, including the dispute resolution system. With the advent of the internet, new ways to solve disputes have gained strength, such as Online Dispute Resolution (ODR). In this context, the site www.consumidor.gov.br became an important mechanism for resolving conflicts between consumers and suppliers. The objective of this research is to contribute to the debate about the use of ODR in Brazil, highlighting the possibilities and limitations of this tool, as well as the challenges and opportunities for promoting access to justice. To reach this goal, the following specific objectives were established: (i) conceptualize ODR and its fundamental principles; (ii) present a history of ODR in Brazil and worldwide; (iii) analyze the characteristics and functionalities of the consumers' website, developed by the Federal Government; (iv) discuss the website's effectiveness in resolving conflicts; (v) evaluate the impact of ODR on the website in protecting consumer rights and reducing the Judiciary's overload. Based on the critical analysis of the site, the benefits of using ODR to solve conflicts between consumers and suppliers will be evaluated, as well as the challenges and limitations of this tool. Furthermore, will be discussed the effectiveness of ODR on the site in protecting consumer rights and reducing the overload of the judiciary. The study showed that the provided Federal Government website is effective in reducing the costs incurred in conventional lawsuits. The use of ODR techniques provides celerity in the access to justice without increasing jurisdictional demands.
ODR , tecnologia , análise de site , consumidor , technology , website analysis , consumer , conflict resolution