Institucionalismo organizativo e práticas ESG: uma análise das influências institucionais na adoção de práticas sustentáveis pelas empresas
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Bertocci, Manuela Anastacio
Ramunno, Pedro Alves Lavacchini
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Nos últimos anos, o debate sobre desenvolvimento sustentável ganhou uma nova abordagem
a partir da integração das dimensões ESG2
(em português, ambiental, social e de governança) nas
estratégias corporativas. Adicionalmente, devido às consequências geradas pelo capitalismo,
surgiram novos modelos de negócios com o propósito de contribuir com a minimização de suas
consequências negativas, dentre eles o Capitalismo Consciente. O presente artigo tem por objetivo
analisar a evolução histórica da governança corporativa até o advento do termo ESG, momento em
que serão abordados os desdobramentos deste tema. Em seguida, far-se-á uma análise do Capitalismo
Consciente e sua relação com o ESG para, posteriormente, adentrar as teorias do interesse social e
relacioná-lo com os temas já abordados. Após as considerações sobre as teorias do interesse social,
será feita uma análise do Capitalismo Consciente e das práticas ESG sob a perspectiva do
institucionalismo organizativo para, assim, possibilitar uma discussão acerca desta filosofia de
negócios baseada em uma abordagem integracionista decorrente do desenvolvimento sustentável na
In recent years, the debate on sustainable development has gained a new approach based on the integration of the ESG (environment, social, and governance) dimensions in corporate strategies. Additionally, due to the consequences generated by capitalism, new models have emerged with the purpose of contributing to the minimization of their negative consequences, among them Conscious Capitalism. This study aims to analyze the historical evolution of corporate governance until the advent of the term ESG, at which point the developments of this theme will be addressed. Then, an analysis of conscious capitalism and its relationship with ESG will be carried out in order to go into the theories of social interest and relate them to the topics already discussed. After the considerations about the theories of social interest, an analysis of Conscious Capitalism from the perspective of social interest and the evolution of the ESG will be made to enable a discussion about this business philosophy from a new integrationist approach due to sustainable development in the economy.
In recent years, the debate on sustainable development has gained a new approach based on the integration of the ESG (environment, social, and governance) dimensions in corporate strategies. Additionally, due to the consequences generated by capitalism, new models have emerged with the purpose of contributing to the minimization of their negative consequences, among them Conscious Capitalism. This study aims to analyze the historical evolution of corporate governance until the advent of the term ESG, at which point the developments of this theme will be addressed. Then, an analysis of conscious capitalism and its relationship with ESG will be carried out in order to go into the theories of social interest and relate them to the topics already discussed. After the considerations about the theories of social interest, an analysis of Conscious Capitalism from the perspective of social interest and the evolution of the ESG will be made to enable a discussion about this business philosophy from a new integrationist approach due to sustainable development in the economy.
capitalismo consciente , ESG , teorias do interesse social , sustentabilidade , conscious capitalism , ESG , social interest theories , sustainability