O incidente de desconsideração da personalidade jurídica na falência
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Lima, Valentina da Silva
Vasconcelos, Ronaldo
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Membros da banca
Em casos em que a empresa declara falência e um dos sócios não responde
pelas dívidas que ficaram, é comum que sejam vendidos seus bens ou colocá-los em nome de
terceiros para que ele não assuma com os pagamentos devidos pela quebra do negócio. Nesse
contexto, tem-se o incidente de desconsideração da personalidade jurídica, utilizada nos casos
em que há abuso da personalidade jurídica, caracterizados pelo desvio de finalidade ou por
falência, visando afastá-la, quando for aplicada com a intenção de praticar ato ilícito, com a
finalidade de causar prejuízo a terceiros. Nesse sentido, a presente pesquisa tem como objetivo,
analisar o incidente de desconsideração da personalidade jurídica em casos de falência. A
metodologia de pesquisa adotada para o alcance do objetivo proposto foi a jurídica-indutiva
que se utiliza do procedimento analítico de decomposição de um problema jurídico em seus
diversos aspectos, relações, níveis e fatores. Concluiu-se que a desconsideração da
personalidade jurídica somente poderá ser usada quando identificados abuso do direito, fraude,
desvio de finalidade ou confusão patrimonial, desde que cometido através da sociedade. Caso
esses requisitos não sejam identificados, tem-se o uso do incidente de desconsideração da
personalidade jurídica de forma equivocada, pois não atende todos os requisitos.
In cases where the company declares bankruptcy and one of the partners does not answer for the remaining debts, it is common for his assets to be sold or put them in the name of third parties so that he does not assume the payments due for the failure of the business. In this context, there is the incident of disregard of legal personality, used in cases where there is abuse of legal personality, characterized by misuse of purpose or bankruptcy, aiming to remove it, when applied with the intention of committing an illicit act, for the purpose of causing harm to third parties. In this sense, the present research aims to analyze the incident of disregard of legal personality in bankruptcy cases. The research methodology adopted to reach the proposed objective was the legal-inductive one that uses the analytical procedure of decomposing a legal problem in its various aspects, relationships, levels and factors. It was concluded that the disregard of legal personality can only be used when abuse of law, fraud, misuse of purpose or patrimonial confusion is identified, provided that it is committed through society. If these requirements are not identified, the corporate entity disregard incident is used in a wrong way, as it does not meet all the requirements.
In cases where the company declares bankruptcy and one of the partners does not answer for the remaining debts, it is common for his assets to be sold or put them in the name of third parties so that he does not assume the payments due for the failure of the business. In this context, there is the incident of disregard of legal personality, used in cases where there is abuse of legal personality, characterized by misuse of purpose or bankruptcy, aiming to remove it, when applied with the intention of committing an illicit act, for the purpose of causing harm to third parties. In this sense, the present research aims to analyze the incident of disregard of legal personality in bankruptcy cases. The research methodology adopted to reach the proposed objective was the legal-inductive one that uses the analytical procedure of decomposing a legal problem in its various aspects, relationships, levels and factors. It was concluded that the disregard of legal personality can only be used when abuse of law, fraud, misuse of purpose or patrimonial confusion is identified, provided that it is committed through society. If these requirements are not identified, the corporate entity disregard incident is used in a wrong way, as it does not meet all the requirements.
desconsideração da personalidade jurídica , falência , Código Processo Civil , disregard of legal personality , bankruptcy , Civil Procedure Code