A exigência de programa de integridade para contratar com a administração pública
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Mitne, Mariana Saad Kik
Souza, Eduardo Stevanato Pereira de
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Membros da banca
O presente trabalho tem como objetivo discutir a eficácia das novas leis, regulamentadas pelo Estado do Rio de Janeiro e pelo Distrito Federal, que obrigam às empresas a possuírem programa de integridade para contratar com a Administração Pública, no combate à corrupção. Inicialmente, tratar-se-á do contexto internacional no combate à corrupção e, em seguida, dos avanços do Brasil nesse sentido. Após isso, o artigo abordará o conceito de programa de integridade e as novas leis, estadual e distrital, que impuseram essa exigência nas licitações públicas. Conceituar-se-á, ainda, licitação pública, passando por seus princípios e procedimentos, até trazer a problemática, que é a restrição da concorrência provocada pelo instrumento convocatório. Por fim, será feita uma breve passagem pelo conceito de cartel, explicando como se formam e os prejuízos que causam a uma licitação pública. Para encerrar o estudo em questão, debater-se-á se essa exigência de programa de integridade para contratar com o Poder Público romperá com o atual cenário de fraude em licitações e formação de cartéis.
The present study aims to discuss the efficacy of the new laws, regulated by the State of Rio de Janeiro and the Federal District, which oblige companies to have an integrity program in order to contract with the Public Administration as an anti-corruption policy. Initially, it will be explained the international anti-corruption practices adopted worldwide, then the progress of Brazil. Following this, the article will present the concept of integrity program and the new state and district laws that enforced this requirement in public biddings. It will also conceptualize, public bidding, going through its principles and procedures, until bringing up the problem, which is the restriction of competition caused by the auction notice. Finally, a brief passage will be made through the concept of cartel, explaining how they are formed and the damages they cause to a public bid. To conclude the study in question, it will be debated whether this requirement of integrity program to contract with the Government will break with the current scenario of bid fraud and cartel formation.
The present study aims to discuss the efficacy of the new laws, regulated by the State of Rio de Janeiro and the Federal District, which oblige companies to have an integrity program in order to contract with the Public Administration as an anti-corruption policy. Initially, it will be explained the international anti-corruption practices adopted worldwide, then the progress of Brazil. Following this, the article will present the concept of integrity program and the new state and district laws that enforced this requirement in public biddings. It will also conceptualize, public bidding, going through its principles and procedures, until bringing up the problem, which is the restriction of competition caused by the auction notice. Finally, a brief passage will be made through the concept of cartel, explaining how they are formed and the damages they cause to a public bid. To conclude the study in question, it will be debated whether this requirement of integrity program to contract with the Government will break with the current scenario of bid fraud and cartel formation.
programa de integridade , licitação , formação de cartéis , combate à corrupção , integrity program , bid , buildup of cartels , combating corruption