A presença feminina no mercado de trabalho: uma análise da diversidade e equidade de gênero no Brasil no período recente
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Carneiro, Gabriela Nogueira
Carmo, Edgar Cândido do
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O presente trabalho analisa e elucida as disparidades e desigualdades que incidem sobre a inclusão da força de trabalho feminina no mercado formal, recortando o período da última década no Brasil, incluindo ocupação, nível de escolaridade, remuneração e colocação entre os gêneros em idade economicamente ativa. Para isto, usa-se de dados estatísticos extraídos principalmente do Síntese de Indicadores Sociais – IBGE, aliados a estudos anteriores que visam explicar a desigualdade entre gêneros no mercado de trabalho, tornando o trabalho uma pesquisa básica, de método qualitativo, que visa aprofundar um conhecimento prévio, explicando as relações que causam a discriminação das mulheres no mercado de trabalho. Ao longo deste trabalho, diversas visões sobre o racional para a perpetuação da desigualdade laboral são expostas, vide a dificuldade em estabelecer uma única relação de causa e efeito, dentro de parâmetros históricos, socioeconômicos e culturais. Entende-se que a discriminação permeia as esferas exemplificadas acima e se arrastam na história do capitalismo desde a introdução das mulheres no mercado de trabalho, inclusive de modo inconsciente através de vieses adquiridos pela sociedade. O gênero masculino ainda se encontra em vantagem em comparação às mulheres no mercado de trabalho, aproveitando-se de relações de dominância e da divisão sexual do trabalho.
The present work analyzes and elucidates the disparities and inequalities that affect the inclusion of female workforce in the formal market covering the period of the last decade in Brazil, including occupation, level of education, wages and placement between genders in working age. For this, statistical data extracted mainly form the Síntese de Indicadores Sociais – IBGE is used, combined with previous studies that aim to explain the inequality between genders in labor market, making this work a basic research with a qualitative method, which aims to deepen a prior knowledge, explaining the relationships that cause discrimination against women in the labor market. Throughout this work, several points of view on the rationale for the perpetuation of labor inequality are exposed, due the difficulty in establishing a single cause and effect relation, within historical, socioeconomic and cultural parameters. It is understood that discrimination permeates the spheres exemplified above and drags on in the history of capitalism since the introduction of women in the labor maket, even unconscioulsy through biases acquired by Society. The male gender is still in advantage when compared to women in the labor market, taking benefits from the dominance relationships and the sexual division of labor.
The present work analyzes and elucidates the disparities and inequalities that affect the inclusion of female workforce in the formal market covering the period of the last decade in Brazil, including occupation, level of education, wages and placement between genders in working age. For this, statistical data extracted mainly form the Síntese de Indicadores Sociais – IBGE is used, combined with previous studies that aim to explain the inequality between genders in labor market, making this work a basic research with a qualitative method, which aims to deepen a prior knowledge, explaining the relationships that cause discrimination against women in the labor market. Throughout this work, several points of view on the rationale for the perpetuation of labor inequality are exposed, due the difficulty in establishing a single cause and effect relation, within historical, socioeconomic and cultural parameters. It is understood that discrimination permeates the spheres exemplified above and drags on in the history of capitalism since the introduction of women in the labor maket, even unconscioulsy through biases acquired by Society. The male gender is still in advantage when compared to women in the labor market, taking benefits from the dominance relationships and the sexual division of labor.
desigualdade , gênero , mercado de trabalho , força laboral , discriminação , inequality , gender , labor market , workforce , discrimination