O compliance trabalhista como mecanismo preventivo de riscos empresariais
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Vieira, Camila Fernanda Gonzaga
Zimmermann Neto, Carlos Frederico
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Atualmente, as organizações estão sofrendo significativas mudanças, em razão da globalização e da instabilidade de seus investimentos. Destarte, a ética e a moral defendidas por estas é de extrema relevância para seus investidores e colaboradores, tendo em vista que a sociedade atual não vislumbra apenas a rentabilidade das organizações de forma despersonalizada, mas também o propósito e ideais que exercem. Por conseguinte, estas mudanças desencadearam no desenvolvimento das instituições em questões ambientais, sociais e de governança corporativa, além da necessidade da boa prática ESG com o intuito de identificar riscos operacionais e legais, além de criar mecanismos de identificação, prevenção, gestão e controle interno das empresas para que evitem possível desvalorização de suas ações, da sua imagem perante à sociedade e futuros litígios judiciais, em razão da inobservância legal. A partir disto que é aplicado o Compliance Trabalhista, um sistema gerencial interno de riscos que tem como função corporativa a prevenção de possível violação da regulamentação trabalhista pela corporação, que consequentemente, de forma benéfica, reduz o passivo financeiro empresarial, torna a empresa mais forte e concorrente no mercado, atraindo mais investidores e consumidores, além de tornar o clima organizacional mais saudável e digno para os seus trabalhadores. Nesta esteira, serão abordados os principais mecanismos e suas respectivas funções para a adoção de um efetivo programa de compliance no âmbito laboral, além de obstáculos a serem observados pelas empresas com o fim de se evitar demandas judiciais, depreciação de sua imagem e prejuízo financeiro.
Currently, organizations are undergoing significant changes, due to globalization and the instability of their investments. Therefore, the ethics and morals upheld by them are of extreme relevance to their investors and employees, considering that today's society not only sees the profitability of organizations in an impersonalized way, but also the purpose and ideals they exercise. Therefore, these changes have triggered the development of institutions in environmental, social, and corporate governance issues, in addition to the need for good ESG practices in order to identify operational and legal risks, and to create mechanisms to identify, prevent, manage, and internally control companies so that they can avoid the possible devaluation of their shares, their image before society, and future lawsuits due to legal non-compliance. It is from this that Labor Compliance is applied, an internal risk management system that has as its corporate function the prevention of possible violation of labor regulations by the corporation, which consequently, in a beneficial way, reduces the corporate financial liabilities, makes the company stronger and more competitive in the market, attracting more investors and consumers, besides making the organizational climate healthier and more dignified for its workers. Along these lines, the main mechanisms and their respective functions for the adoption of an effective compliance program in the labor ambit will be approached, in addition to the obstacles to be observed by the companies in order to avoid judicial demands, depreciation of their image and financial loss.
Currently, organizations are undergoing significant changes, due to globalization and the instability of their investments. Therefore, the ethics and morals upheld by them are of extreme relevance to their investors and employees, considering that today's society not only sees the profitability of organizations in an impersonalized way, but also the purpose and ideals they exercise. Therefore, these changes have triggered the development of institutions in environmental, social, and corporate governance issues, in addition to the need for good ESG practices in order to identify operational and legal risks, and to create mechanisms to identify, prevent, manage, and internally control companies so that they can avoid the possible devaluation of their shares, their image before society, and future lawsuits due to legal non-compliance. It is from this that Labor Compliance is applied, an internal risk management system that has as its corporate function the prevention of possible violation of labor regulations by the corporation, which consequently, in a beneficial way, reduces the corporate financial liabilities, makes the company stronger and more competitive in the market, attracting more investors and consumers, besides making the organizational climate healthier and more dignified for its workers. Along these lines, the main mechanisms and their respective functions for the adoption of an effective compliance program in the labor ambit will be approached, in addition to the obstacles to be observed by the companies in order to avoid judicial demands, depreciation of their image and financial loss.
compliance trabalhista , governança corporativa , ESG , redução de litígios trabalhistas , labor compliance , corporate governance , reduction of labor litigation