Masculinidade e criminalidade: um olhar sobre o estupro corretivo de mulheres lésbicas
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Santos, Alexandre de Godoy dos
Soares, Alessandro de Oliveira
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O presente trabalho busca analisar o vínculo entre masculinidade e criminalidade
por meio dos estudos de gênero e da inserção dos indivíduos em um sistema de
opressões - o patriarcado -, que procura manter a hierarquia de poder nas relações
existentes entre homens e mulheres.
A compreensão da condição masculina na sociedade, atravessada pela promoção
extensiva da heterossexualidade, é importante para que se entenda a busca incessante
dos indivíduos por atingir um ideal de masculinidade. Ideal este que, quando não
alcançado, gera frustrações e ansiedades que podem desencadear em respostas violentas
e, no seu ápice, criminosas.
É essa escolha pelo crime que interessa a este trabalho, e para exemplificá-la,
será abordado o caso do estupro corretivo contra mulheres lésbicas. Essa violência surge
como resposta masculina e heterossexual a tudo aquilo que difere da norma e do tido
como “natural” pela sociedade patriarcal.
Por fim, entende-se que a principal e mais eficaz forma de combate a essa
violência - considerando a impossibilidade de abolição imediata da sociedade patriarcal
e capitalista - é por meio de ações afirmativas. Defende-se a existência de políticas
públicas que tragam maior visibilidade para os grupos minoritários e suas demandas,
um tratamento atento às vítimas, assim como uma formação cidadã que evite, a longo
prazo, a produção de agressores.
The present work intends to analyze the link between masculinity and criminality through gender studies and the insertion of the individual in a system of oppressions that seeks to maintain the existent power hierarchy between men and women - the patriarchy. The comprehension of the male condition in society, influenced by the extensive promotion of heterosexuality, is important for the understanding the unstoppable search of individuals to reach an ideal of masculinity. This ideal, when not reached, generates frustrations and anxieties that may trigger violent and, at its peak, criminal responses. It is this choice for crime that interests this work, and exemplifying it, the case of corrective rape against lesbian women will be addressed. This violence comes up as a masculine and heterosexual response to everything that differs from the norm and what is considered “natural” by the patriarchal society. At last, it is understood that the main and more effective way of combating this violence - considering the impossibility of immediate abolishing of the patriarchal and capitalist society - happens through affirmative actions. It also defends the existence of public politics that bring more visibility to minority groups and their demands, a careful treatment of the victims, as well as a citizen formation that avoids, in long-term, the production of aggressors.
The present work intends to analyze the link between masculinity and criminality through gender studies and the insertion of the individual in a system of oppressions that seeks to maintain the existent power hierarchy between men and women - the patriarchy. The comprehension of the male condition in society, influenced by the extensive promotion of heterosexuality, is important for the understanding the unstoppable search of individuals to reach an ideal of masculinity. This ideal, when not reached, generates frustrations and anxieties that may trigger violent and, at its peak, criminal responses. It is this choice for crime that interests this work, and exemplifying it, the case of corrective rape against lesbian women will be addressed. This violence comes up as a masculine and heterosexual response to everything that differs from the norm and what is considered “natural” by the patriarchal society. At last, it is understood that the main and more effective way of combating this violence - considering the impossibility of immediate abolishing of the patriarchal and capitalist society - happens through affirmative actions. It also defends the existence of public politics that bring more visibility to minority groups and their demands, a careful treatment of the victims, as well as a citizen formation that avoids, in long-term, the production of aggressors.
masculinidade , criminalidade , violência de gênero , estupro corretivo , masculinity , criminality , gender violence , corrective rape