Associação entre estresse: rede social de apoio e crenças parentais em mães de crianças com TEA

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Christmann, Michele
Rocha, Marina Monzani da
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Amato, Cibelle Albuquerque de La Higuera
Rafihi-Ferreira, Renatha El
Distúrbios do Desenvolvimento
Children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) have a chronic condition that involves major difficulties with regard to the implementation of common tasks. This is because the clinical features of the syndrome affect both mental and physical aspect of the individual, which increase the demand for care and, consequently, the level of dependency of the parents and/or caregivers. The aim of this research project was to verify the relationship between stress, parental beliefs and practices of care and social support network in mothers of children with ASD. It was assumed that when there is greater social support and division of labor in the care of the child with ASD, maternal stress indices are lower, even because the social support enables the provision of free time for parents so that they can participate in recreational activities and formal support programs and services provided by them, which increases the quality of life. Participated in this study 52 mothers of children with ASD, who attended four different entities aimed at persons with disabilities in the State of São Paulo in Brazil. The following instruments were used: socio-demographic Questionnaire, Stress symptoms Inventory Lipp (ISSL), Parental Beliefs and practices of care (SCLC) and scale of Social Support Network. As expected, results indicated high levels of stress in mothers of children with ASD. Moderate negative correlations have been found between the total score of stress and the total score of support network, which indicates that a social network of structured support favors the maternal stress control. Greater concern for stimulating practices was shown by the mothers, in comparison with primary care practices. Besides, mothers with more psychological stress symptoms stimulate their children less than mother with less symptoms, which reassures the need of care of the caretakers of children with ASD. These results confirm the high incidence of stress among mothers of children with ASD and indicate that a structured social support network can favor maternal mental health and, consequently, child development. It is suggested that it is necessary to look not only for the child with autism, but also for the family, especially for the mother, since it is she who usually assumes greater responsibilities with the child.
transtorno do espectro do autismo , mães , estresse , rede social de apoio , práticas de cuidado parental
Assuntos Scopus
CHRISTMANN, Michele. Associação entre estresse : rede social de apoio e crenças parentais em mães de crianças com TEA. 2017. 55 f. Dissertação (Distúrbios do Desenvolvimento) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo .