Religiões afrodescendentes e a divulgação pela tv aberta: tambor, 110 anos de preconceito
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Fernandes, Giulia Famá
Santos, Rafael Fonseca
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Esse Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (TCC) tem como objetivo estudar
religiões de matriz afro, a fim de entender como a falta e/ou descaso com a
informação divulgada pela TV aberta contribui para o aumento do preconceito,
levando sempre em consideração a função do jornalismo para/com a sociedade,
sendo essa, informar de forma imparcial, contribuindo com informações verídicas
para a formação de opiniões pessoais.
Para a realização deste estudo será necessário buscar na história do Brasil e
no seu nascimento como nação alguns fatores que interferiram e interferem na
aceitação do negro com parte da sociedade, assim como as suas práticas e crenças.
Além disso, a análise de notícias, chamadas e matérias, produzidas pelas TV's
abertas servirá para entender como de fato esses conteúdos influenciam na opinião
popular e consequentemente no crescimento desse preconceito que tem resultado
no aumento de casos de intolerância religiosa por todo o país.
A peça produzida, documentário, irá apresentar as religiões Umbanda e
Candomblé de forma diferente ao que a maioria dos conteúdos encontrados sobre o
tema mostram. Portanto, esse curta metragem não terá como objetivo desmistificar
ou explicar a fundo os mistérios das religiões, apenas apresentar ambas do ponto de
vista dos praticantes, entregando, simultaneamente, um embasamento histórico que
ajude a desmascarar a origem desse preconceito.
This dissertation studies religions of afro matrix, aiming to understand how the lack, and/or dismissal of the information disclosed on open TV, contributes to the increasing discrimination. Always taking into consideration the role of journalism within society, which is to impartially inform the public, spreading truthful information so that the individuals in the audience can shape their personal opinions. For the sake of this study, it will be necessary to search within Brazilian history, looking specifically at certain factors contributing to the country’s birth as a nation. Such factors interfered, as much then as they do now, in the acceptance of the african american individual as part of the society, as well as the acceptance of their religious practices and beliefs. Furthermore, the analysis of news pieces and reports produced by open TV, will aid in the understanding of how these mediatic messages actually influence popular opinion, and consequently, affect the growth of the discrimination that results in cases of religious intolerance all over the country. The documentary produced in this study, will introduce the religions of ‘Umbanda’ and ‘Camdomblé’ in a way that is different from most content produced about the subject. As such, this short-film will not have as an objective demystify or deeply explain the two religions. The study will however, present both religions to the audience from the point of view of those who practice it, and deliver, simultaneously, a historical background that can help to unfold the origins of such discrimination.
This dissertation studies religions of afro matrix, aiming to understand how the lack, and/or dismissal of the information disclosed on open TV, contributes to the increasing discrimination. Always taking into consideration the role of journalism within society, which is to impartially inform the public, spreading truthful information so that the individuals in the audience can shape their personal opinions. For the sake of this study, it will be necessary to search within Brazilian history, looking specifically at certain factors contributing to the country’s birth as a nation. Such factors interfered, as much then as they do now, in the acceptance of the african american individual as part of the society, as well as the acceptance of their religious practices and beliefs. Furthermore, the analysis of news pieces and reports produced by open TV, will aid in the understanding of how these mediatic messages actually influence popular opinion, and consequently, affect the growth of the discrimination that results in cases of religious intolerance all over the country. The documentary produced in this study, will introduce the religions of ‘Umbanda’ and ‘Camdomblé’ in a way that is different from most content produced about the subject. As such, this short-film will not have as an objective demystify or deeply explain the two religions. The study will however, present both religions to the audience from the point of view of those who practice it, and deliver, simultaneously, a historical background that can help to unfold the origins of such discrimination.
Acesso online:
preconceito , intolerância , religião , matriz , afro , discrimination , intolerance , religion , matrix , afro