Planejamento financeiro, direito e previdência
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Coelho, Thiago Trindade Pereira
Cárnio, Thaís Cíntia
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Membros da banca
A Previdência é um dos temas mais sensíveis do século XXI uma vez que o avanço
da medicina tem impactado diretamente no aumento da expectativa de vida das pessoas.
Consequentemente, verifica-se que muitos países têm apresentado cada vez mais dificuldades
em manter as previdências públicas ocasionando, na maioria das vezes, reformas nas legislações
e fortes pressões para contenção de gastos. É fato que o Brasil está passando pelas mesmas
dificuldades que outros países; porém, com um agravante: a falta de educação financeira de sua
população. A forma mais eficiente que as pessoas têm de garantirem uma aposentadoria digna,
ou seja, aquela capaz de fazer frente aos crescentes custos dos aposentados, é estabelecer um
sólido planejamento financeiro ao longo de suas vidas. Inegavelmente, há diversas formas de
se investir e o mercado financeiro está repleto de diferentes produtos. Por isso, o planejamento
financeiro objetivando a formação de uma carteira de investimento à longo prazo deverá ser
idealizada a partir de conhecimentos de Direito e Economia que permitirão uma maior
compreensão das características de cada produto e, consequentemente, maximizarão o retorno
financeiro dado um determinado perfil de risco. Sendo assim, o investidor individual não
dependerá exclusivamente da Previdência Social.
Social Security is one of the most sensitive topics of the 21st century since the advance of medicine has directly impacted the increase in people's life expectancy. As a result, it appears that many countries are finding it increasingly difficult to maintain public pensions, often leading to reform of legislation and strong pressure to contain spending. It is a fact that Brazil is going through the same difficulties as other countries; But with an aggravating factor: the lack of financial education of its population. The most effective way for people to secure a decent retirement, one that can meet the rising costs of retirees, is to establish solid financial planning throughout their lives. Undeniably, there are many ways to invest and the financial market is full of different products. Therefore, financial planning aiming at forming a long-term investment portfolio should be idealized from knowledge of law and economics that will allow a greater understanding of the characteristics of each product and, consequently, will maximize the financial return given profile risky. Therefore, the individual investor will not depend exclusively on public pension.
Social Security is one of the most sensitive topics of the 21st century since the advance of medicine has directly impacted the increase in people's life expectancy. As a result, it appears that many countries are finding it increasingly difficult to maintain public pensions, often leading to reform of legislation and strong pressure to contain spending. It is a fact that Brazil is going through the same difficulties as other countries; But with an aggravating factor: the lack of financial education of its population. The most effective way for people to secure a decent retirement, one that can meet the rising costs of retirees, is to establish solid financial planning throughout their lives. Undeniably, there are many ways to invest and the financial market is full of different products. Therefore, financial planning aiming at forming a long-term investment portfolio should be idealized from knowledge of law and economics that will allow a greater understanding of the characteristics of each product and, consequently, will maximize the financial return given profile risky. Therefore, the individual investor will not depend exclusively on public pension.
previdência social , planejamento financeiro , mercado financeiro , social security , financial education , financial market