Do real ao fantástico: o lúdico, a educação e o sagrado na literatura infantojuvenil de Orígenes Lessa
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Silva, Valquiria Aparecida Gomes
Mendes, Marcel
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Membros da banca
Ambrogi, Ingrid Hötte
Cobra, Eduardo Carlos de Oliveira
Cobra, Eduardo Carlos de Oliveira
Educação, Arte e História da Cultura
“FROM REAL TO FANTASTIC: The Playful, Education and the Sacred in Children's
Literature by Orígenes Lessa”, deals with the life and intellectual development of the
writer, journalist, and publicist Orígenes Lessa, as well as his literary production. The
study of his biography seeks to show the phases of his life, the paths taken, moments
of instability, and his entry into the universe of children's and youth literature. It is known
that literature, in all its complexity, integrates, with enormous property, the essential
spheres of human life. In Lessa, there is a profusion of refined and concerned literature
with primarily national themes. Lessian texts are true matters of creation and
aesthetics, true works of art. This art properly digested, observed, and perceived by
readers, screams consciences in order to obtain from these social actions. How did
Orígenes Lessa understand the importance of reading for children and young people?
How did you intend to impact the lives of your listeners? The objective of this work is
to answer these questions from the analysis of its literature and the fantastic world
inserted in it. The research in question is classified as exploratory, involving a
bibliographic survey, based on the analysis of documents, minutes, records,
testimonies, speeches, and literary works. The work dialogues and is based on authors
such as: Cecília Meireles, Sandra Pesavento, Bakhtin, Peter Berger, Ruy Cezar do
Espírito Santo, Frederick Eby, Leonardo Arroyo and others.
Orígenes Lessa , literatura infantojuvenil , lúdico , educação e sagrado
Assuntos Scopus
SILVA, Valquiria Aparecida Gomes. Do real ao fantástico: o lúdico, a educação e o sagrado na literatura infantojuvenil de Orígenes Lessa. 2021. 116 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação, Arte e História da Cultura) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo, 2021 .