Breve introdução ao direito concorrencial e os acordos de leniência como instrumento de combate ao cartel
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Gomes, Gabriela Leite
Bagnoli, Vicente
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O tema foi escolhido pois se trata de um assunto extremamente atual e relevante, principalmente considerando sua fundamental importância nas investigações de crimes contra a ordem econômica que frequentemente abalam o Brasil, como é o caso, por exemplo, dos desdobramentos envolvendo a ‘'Lava Jato”. Com respaldo na Lei Anticorrupção, assim como na Lei de Defesa da Concorrência, o Acordo de Leniência é um dos instrumentos de defesa da economia que atua no combate à corrupção e as práticas anticoncorrencias, em especial o cartel, tema recorrente e de grande relevância no cenário nacional. Assim, o presente estudo visa analisar o contexto concorrencial até finalmente abordar a efetividade do acordo no país, com foco na sua política de combate aos cartéis. Para tanto, será feito toda uma análise sob a óptica de doutrinas, legislações, jurisprudência e a própria Constituição Federal, cujos princípios constitucionais regem a Ordem Econômica. Temas como o desenvolvimento histórico da legislação de defesa da concorrência no Brasil, as competências do CADE, e as vertentes da análise concorrencial, serão abordados.
This particular theme has been chosen because it is an extremely current and relevant subject, especially considering its fundamental importance in investigations of crimes against the economic order that frequently shake Brazil, as for example, the developments of the case involving the '' Lava Jato ” operation. On the basis of Anti-Corruption Law and Competition Law, the Leniency Agreement is one of the most important instrument of defense of the Brazilian economy to combat corruption and anti-competitive practices, especially the cartel, a recurring theme and of great relevance in the national scenario. Thus, the present study aims to analyze the competitive context until finally addressing the effectiveness of the agreement in the country, focusing on its policy to combat cartels. To this end, an entire analysis will be made from the perspective of doctrines, legislation, jurisprudence and the Federal Constitution itself, whose constitutional principles govern the economic order. Topics such as the historical development of competition law in Brazil, CADE's competences, and aspects of competitive analysis, will be addressed.
This particular theme has been chosen because it is an extremely current and relevant subject, especially considering its fundamental importance in investigations of crimes against the economic order that frequently shake Brazil, as for example, the developments of the case involving the '' Lava Jato ” operation. On the basis of Anti-Corruption Law and Competition Law, the Leniency Agreement is one of the most important instrument of defense of the Brazilian economy to combat corruption and anti-competitive practices, especially the cartel, a recurring theme and of great relevance in the national scenario. Thus, the present study aims to analyze the competitive context until finally addressing the effectiveness of the agreement in the country, focusing on its policy to combat cartels. To this end, an entire analysis will be made from the perspective of doctrines, legislation, jurisprudence and the Federal Constitution itself, whose constitutional principles govern the economic order. Topics such as the historical development of competition law in Brazil, CADE's competences, and aspects of competitive analysis, will be addressed.
ordem económica , lei anticorrupção , lei de defesa da concorrência , cartel , acordo de leniência , economic order , anti-corruption law , competition law , leniency agreements