Os principais crimes contra a administração pública: uma análise dos crimes de peculato, concussão e prevaricação
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Spada, Luan Cesar Apolinário
Moreira Filho, Guaracy
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O presente trabalho tem por objetivo a realização de uma análise doutrinária, histórica e
normativa sobre os principais crimes executados por funcionários públicos contra a
administração pública, os crimes de Peculato, Concussão e Prevaricação, crimes esses
englobados nos chamados “Crimes contra a Administração Pública”, previstos no Código
Penal. A obra tratará da contextualização histórica sobre o tema, trazendo o conceito e a
previsão legal do funcionalismo público no âmbito administrativo e penal, bem como
elucidando o decorrer do estudo criminológico com o passar dos anos. O trabalho também tem
por objetivo desenvolver uma visão mais abrangente com o foco doutrinário sobre os crimes de
peculato, concussão e prevaricação, crimes esses punidos desde o império romano com penas
extremamente severas. O estudo irá abordar conceitualmente tais delitos, trazendo suas
vertentes e previsão legal baseadas em estudos doutrinários e jurisprudenciais, elencando ainda
uma breve recapitulação sobre a história da criminologia e tratando ainda do conceito de
funcionário público, além da concepção de crimes funcionais e do procedimento das ações
criminais que regem o crime.
The present work aims to carry out a doctrinal, historical and normative analysis on the main crimes carried out by public officials against public administration, crimes of embezzlement, concussion and prevarication. These crimes are included in the so-called “Crimes against the Public Administration” provided for in the Penal Code. The work will deal with the historical contextualization on the theme, bringing the concept and the legal provision of civil service in the administrative and criminal spheres, as well as elucidating the course of the criminological study over the years. The work also aims to develop a more comprehensive view with a doctrinal focus on crimes of embezzlement, concussion and malfeasance, crimes that have been punished since the Roman empire with extremely severe penalties. The study will conceptually address such crimes, bringing their aspects and legal prediction based on doctrinal and jurisprudential studies, also listing a brief recap on the history of criminology, also addressing the concept of civil servant, in addition to the design of functional crimes and the procedure of crimes, criminal actions that govern crime.
The present work aims to carry out a doctrinal, historical and normative analysis on the main crimes carried out by public officials against public administration, crimes of embezzlement, concussion and prevarication. These crimes are included in the so-called “Crimes against the Public Administration” provided for in the Penal Code. The work will deal with the historical contextualization on the theme, bringing the concept and the legal provision of civil service in the administrative and criminal spheres, as well as elucidating the course of the criminological study over the years. The work also aims to develop a more comprehensive view with a doctrinal focus on crimes of embezzlement, concussion and malfeasance, crimes that have been punished since the Roman empire with extremely severe penalties. The study will conceptually address such crimes, bringing their aspects and legal prediction based on doctrinal and jurisprudential studies, also listing a brief recap on the history of criminology, also addressing the concept of civil servant, in addition to the design of functional crimes and the procedure of crimes, criminal actions that govern crime.
crimes , administração pública , peculato , concussão , crimes public administration , embezzlement , concussion , prevarication