Vulnerabilidades ocultas: a violência institucional contra transsexuais no sistema carcerário brasileiro sob a ótica da criminologia crítica
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Souza, Thaisa Torres de
Andrade, Bruna Soares Angotti Batista de
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Contando com a terceira maior população carcerária mundial e contabilizando o maior número de assassinatos contra transexuais, o Brasil se insere e, sobretudo, instaura um cenário de constantes violações aos direitos fundamentais. Sob essa ótica de precariedades e marginalização dos corpos trans, a presente pesquisa buscou responder se há uma institucionalização da violência dentro do sistema carcerário contra transexuais. Para tanto, foram abordadas as questões de gênero e qual a sua interseccionalidade com a criminologia crítica, a fim de permitir a análise da existência de uma seletividade penal enraizada contra esses sujeitos de direito. Como instrumento metodológico qualitativo, a pesquisa se embasou em revisão bibliográfica, análise de instrumentos legislativos, normativas e políticas públicas destinadas especificamente a essa população. Do mesmo modo, foram utilizados documentos produzidos a partir de pesquisas e entrevistas realizadas em penitenciárias distintas, realizados por organizações não governamentais direcionadas às pessoas transexuais. Nesse sentido, sob o exame comparativo das normativas junto à realidade fática de homens e mulheres trans nos presídios, a pesquisa pode observar e compreender o lapso substancial existente entre o direito material e o direito formal. Por derradeiro, mas de igual modo imprescindível, foram analisadas as implicações da execução da pena no momento posterior ao cárcere, permitindo um cenário de tripla penalização dos corpos trans.
With the third largest prison population in the world and the highest number of murders against transsexuals, Brazil is part of and, above all, establishes a scenario of constant violations to fundamental rights. Under this perspective of precariousness and marginalization of transgender bodies, this research sought to answer whether there is an institutionalization of violence within the prison system against transsexuals. For this, gender issues were addressed and their intersectionality with critical criminology, in order to allow the analysis of the existence of a criminal selectivity rooted against these subjects of law. As a qualitative methodological instrument, the research was based on bibliographic review, analysis of legislative instruments, norms and public policies aimed specifically at this population. In the same way, documents produced through research and interviews carried out in different penitentiaries, conducted by non-governmental organizations directed to transsexuals, were used. In this sense, under the comparative examination of the norms with the factual reality of trans men and women in prisons, the research can observe and understand the substantial gap between material law and formal law. Finally, but equally essential, the implications of the execution of the sentence after imprisonment were analyzed, allowing a scenario of triple penalization of transgender bodies.
With the third largest prison population in the world and the highest number of murders against transsexuals, Brazil is part of and, above all, establishes a scenario of constant violations to fundamental rights. Under this perspective of precariousness and marginalization of transgender bodies, this research sought to answer whether there is an institutionalization of violence within the prison system against transsexuals. For this, gender issues were addressed and their intersectionality with critical criminology, in order to allow the analysis of the existence of a criminal selectivity rooted against these subjects of law. As a qualitative methodological instrument, the research was based on bibliographic review, analysis of legislative instruments, norms and public policies aimed specifically at this population. In the same way, documents produced through research and interviews carried out in different penitentiaries, conducted by non-governmental organizations directed to transsexuals, were used. In this sense, under the comparative examination of the norms with the factual reality of trans men and women in prisons, the research can observe and understand the substantial gap between material law and formal law. Finally, but equally essential, the implications of the execution of the sentence after imprisonment were analyzed, allowing a scenario of triple penalization of transgender bodies.
transexuais , vulnerabilidades , criminologia , gênero , transsexuals , vulnerabilities , criminology , gender