Amplitude: um podcast sobre "seres mulheres"
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Ventura, Giovana Costa
Souza, Vanderlei Dias de
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Este trabalho apresenta uma reflexão sobre a amplitude de "mulheres" e uma
quebra no mito da "mulher" hegemônica e padrão. Com a definição do fim desse
imaginário singular dos seres femininos, analisa-se, concomitantemente, a
representação e a defesa por meio do feminismo dessas mulheres e suas diversas
lutas. O trabalho tem como objetivo mostrar e investigar em um podcast a vivência de
mulheres fora do padrão eurocentrista e privilegiado a partir do qual foi criado essa
performática feminina que diz apesar de um grupo seleto. Concluindo, foram
apresentadas três conversas com mulheres distintas abordando suas experiências
cotidianas com as violências sociais que sofrem e suas relações com o movimento
This paper presents a reflection on the breadth of "women" and a break in the myth of the hegemonic and standard "woman". With the definition of the end of this singular imaginary of female beings, we analyze, concomitantly, the representation and defense through the feminism of these women and their various struggles. The work aims to show and investigate in a podcast the experience of women outside the Eurocentric and privileged standard from which this female performance was created that says despite a seleb group. In conclusion, three conversations were presented with different women addressing their daily experiences with the social violence they suffer and their relations with the feminist movement.
This paper presents a reflection on the breadth of "women" and a break in the myth of the hegemonic and standard "woman". With the definition of the end of this singular imaginary of female beings, we analyze, concomitantly, the representation and defense through the feminism of these women and their various struggles. The work aims to show and investigate in a podcast the experience of women outside the Eurocentric and privileged standard from which this female performance was created that says despite a seleb group. In conclusion, three conversations were presented with different women addressing their daily experiences with the social violence they suffer and their relations with the feminist movement.
jornalismo , podcast , feminismo , mulher , gênero , journalism , podcast , feminism , women , gender