Reforma tributária e federalismo brasileiro
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Pereira, Rener Ribeiro Guimarães
Gioia, Fulvia Helena de
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O presente artigo tem por objetivo elucidar pontos importantes para o entendimento da necessidade de uma Reforma Tributária no ordenamento jurídico pátrio, identificando os atuais problemas enfrentados, apontando as principais alterações legislativas e verificando a constitucionalidade dos dispositivos perante a Constituição da República Federativa do Brasil. A proposta de Reforma Tributária sugere a simplificação da tributação no consumo, maior concentração da tributação sobre a renda, eliminação da incidência de tributos em cascata, o fim da “Guerra Fiscal” entre os entes federativos e principalmente a simplificação no cumprimento da obrigação tributária. Neste cenário, será demonstrada a possibilidade de implementação da Reforma Tributária, respeitados os limites constitucionais, quanto ao federalismo e em estrita obediência às cláusulas pétreas, para solucionar as reclamações da sociedade em face de cobranças tributárias e as dificuldades do setor público de executar as tarefas, que são possíveis graças à arrecadação fiscal.
The purpose of this article is to elucidate important points for understanding the need for a tax reform in our country legal system, identifying the current problems faced, pointing out the main legislative changes and verifying the 1 Rener Ribeiro Guimarães Pereira Bachalerando em Direito Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie E-mail: 1 constitutionality of the provisions before the Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil. The Tax Reform Proposal suggests the simplification of taxation on consumption, greater concentration of taxation on income, elimination of the incidence of cascading taxes, an end to the “Fiscal War” between federal entities and, above all, simplification of compliance with the tax obligation. In this scenario, it will be demonstrated the possibility of implementing the Tax Reform respecting the constitutional limits, regarding federalism and in strict obedience to the stone clauses, to solve the society's complaints in the face of tax collections and the difficulties of the public sector to perform the tasks, which are possible thanks to the tax collection.
The purpose of this article is to elucidate important points for understanding the need for a tax reform in our country legal system, identifying the current problems faced, pointing out the main legislative changes and verifying the 1 Rener Ribeiro Guimarães Pereira Bachalerando em Direito Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie E-mail: 1 constitutionality of the provisions before the Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil. The Tax Reform Proposal suggests the simplification of taxation on consumption, greater concentration of taxation on income, elimination of the incidence of cascading taxes, an end to the “Fiscal War” between federal entities and, above all, simplification of compliance with the tax obligation. In this scenario, it will be demonstrated the possibility of implementing the Tax Reform respecting the constitutional limits, regarding federalism and in strict obedience to the stone clauses, to solve the society's complaints in the face of tax collections and the difficulties of the public sector to perform the tasks, which are possible thanks to the tax collection.
reforma tributária , limites constitucionais , federalismo , cláusulas pétreas , tax reform , constitutional limits , federalism , stone clauses