E-games e contratos inteligentes: uma análise dos aspectos jurídicos da utilização de contratos inteligentes em plataformas de jogos eletrônicos
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Mota, Tabatha Raíssa Marques
Rodrigues, Ivandick Cruzelles
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O presente trabalho tem como objetivo o estudo da aplicação de novas tecnologias, como o instituto Blockchain e os Smart Contracts, na indústria de Jogos Virtuais, chamados aqui de E-games, com enfoque principalmente no enquadramento desses contratos no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro e responsabilidade jurídica das Plataformas de Jogos. Inicialmente, abordar-se-á de forma introdutória conceitos básicos para compreensão do tema principal: plataforma de jogos, blockchain, Non Fungible Tokens (NFTs) e Smart Contracts (contratos inteligentes). Na mesma oportunidade, será feita a compatibilidade das tecnologias blockchain e Smart Contracts às normas e princípios do Código Civil e Código de Defesa do Consumidor. A tese busca compreender os elementos subjetivos e objetivos do negócio jurídico firmado através da linguagem codificada e sua validade jurídica no ordenamento jurídico. A partir desses elementos, será possível avaliar qual o papel dessa modalidade contratual no setor de videogames e como funcionará a responsabilização por dano decorrente de falha na prestação do serviço. Em seguida, serão feitos apontamentos acerca da aplicabilidade da modalidade contratual no setor de entretenimento e seus desafios.
Com base nessas análises, busca-se contribuir para a discussão sobre a aplicabilidade de contratos inteligentes em plataformas de jogos. Dessa forma, pretende-se compreender mais profundamente as implicações jurídicas e sociais relacionadas a essa inovadora forma de relação contratual, visando, eventualmente, auxiliar na elaboração de soluções que resguardem os direitos dos usuários sem comprometer o avanço dessas novas modalidades de negócios.
This paper aims to analyze the application of new technologies, such as Blockchain and Smart Contracts, in the Gaming industry, referred to as E-Games, with a primary focus on framing these contracts in the Brazilian legal system and the civil liability of those Platforms. Initially, introductory concepts will be addressed for a better understanding of the main theme: gaming platforms, blockchain, Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs), and Smart Contracts. Simultaneously, the compatibility of blockchain and Smart Contracts technologies with the norms and principles of the Brazilian Civil Code and Consumer Protection Code will be assessed. The thesis seeks to comprehend the subjective and objective elements of the legal transaction formed through coded language and its legal validity in the Brazilian legal system. Based on these elements, it will be possible to evaluate the role of this contractual modality in the video game sector and how liability for damage arising from service failure will be handled. Subsequently, notes will be made regarding the applicability of this contractual modality in the entertainment sector and its challenges. Building on these analyses, the aim is to contribute to the discussion on the applicability of Smart Contracts in gaming platforms. Thus, there is an intention to gain a deeper understanding of the legal and social implications related to this innovative form of contractual relationship, aiming to eventually assist in the development of solutions that safeguard user rights without compromising the progress of these new business modalities.
This paper aims to analyze the application of new technologies, such as Blockchain and Smart Contracts, in the Gaming industry, referred to as E-Games, with a primary focus on framing these contracts in the Brazilian legal system and the civil liability of those Platforms. Initially, introductory concepts will be addressed for a better understanding of the main theme: gaming platforms, blockchain, Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs), and Smart Contracts. Simultaneously, the compatibility of blockchain and Smart Contracts technologies with the norms and principles of the Brazilian Civil Code and Consumer Protection Code will be assessed. The thesis seeks to comprehend the subjective and objective elements of the legal transaction formed through coded language and its legal validity in the Brazilian legal system. Based on these elements, it will be possible to evaluate the role of this contractual modality in the video game sector and how liability for damage arising from service failure will be handled. Subsequently, notes will be made regarding the applicability of this contractual modality in the entertainment sector and its challenges. Building on these analyses, the aim is to contribute to the discussion on the applicability of Smart Contracts in gaming platforms. Thus, there is an intention to gain a deeper understanding of the legal and social implications related to this innovative form of contractual relationship, aiming to eventually assist in the development of solutions that safeguard user rights without compromising the progress of these new business modalities.
jogos virtuais , responsabilidade jurídica , validade jurídica , blockchain , smart contracts , legal liability