Eutanásia: uma pesquisa acerca da sua proibição no Brasil e no mundo e principais parâmetros para sua adoção
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Prado, Bruno Henrique dos Santos
Moreira Filho, Guaracy
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O presente artigo foi dedicado a analisar os reflexos da Eutanásia sobre as perspectivas legais, regulamentares e sociais. No mais, o presente estudo visou analisar, com parâmetros internacionais, os países em que a Eutanásia é descriminalizada, bem como os impactos que trouxe para a sociedade. Por fim, a proposta do presente trabalho é trazer, de forma a não esgotar a discussão, mas uma nova perspectiva para a legislação brasileira sobre o instituto da Eutanásia, expondo as opiniões e fundamentações legais do autor sobre o assunto.
This article was dedicated to analyzing the effects of Euthanasia on legal, regulatory and social perspectives. Furthermore, the present study aimed to analyze, with international parameters, the countries in which Euthanasia is decriminalized, as well as the impacts that this has brought to society. Finally, the purpose of the present work was to bring, in order not to exhaust the discussion, but a new perspective for Brazilian legislation on the institute of Euthanasia, exposing the author's opinions and legal foundations on the subject.
This article was dedicated to analyzing the effects of Euthanasia on legal, regulatory and social perspectives. Furthermore, the present study aimed to analyze, with international parameters, the countries in which Euthanasia is decriminalized, as well as the impacts that this has brought to society. Finally, the purpose of the present work was to bring, in order not to exhaust the discussion, but a new perspective for Brazilian legislation on the institute of Euthanasia, exposing the author's opinions and legal foundations on the subject.
eutanásia , descriminalização , legislação , suicídio assistido , euthanasia , decriminalization , legislation , assisted suicide