Intramuros: a história desvelada do Juquery, um dos maiores hospitais psiquiátricos do Brasil
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Remer, Júlia Naddaf
Prates, Vinícius
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Intramuros retrata a história de Divina dos Santos Rodrigues, antiga paciente do
Asilo Colônia da Sucursal do Juquery do Hospício de Alienados de São Paulo, uma
das maiores instituições manicomiais do Brasil, consolidada como um marco da
psiquiatria no país e conhecida popularmente pela superlotação e pelos maus-tratos.
Obras como do filósofo Michel Foucault, do renomado escritor Roberto Machado e
da jornalista Daniela Arbex, serviram como embasamento para o desenvolvimento
deste livro. Através das memórias de Divina e de outros personagens presentes na
obra, como funcionários e pacientes, a trajetória da loucura, tal como o surgimento
deste conceito, é narrada, dialogando com o cenário atual da psiquiatria e da
sociedade brasileira, e promovendo uma reflexão acerca do modelo asilar e de
exclusão, ainda presente na atualidade.
Intramuros portrays the story of Divina dos Santos Rodrigues, a former patient of the Asylum Colony of the Juquery Branch of the Alienados Hospital of São Paulo, one of the largest asylum institutions in Brazil, consolidated as a landmark of psychiatry in the country and popularly known for overcrowding and mistreatment. Works by philosopher Michel Foucault, renowned writer Roberto Machado and journalist Daniela Arbex served as the basis for the development of this book. Through the memories of Divina and other characters present in the work, such as staff and patients, the trajectory of madness, as well as the emergence of this concept, is narrated, dialoguing with the current scenario of psychiatry and Brazilian society, and promoting a reflection on asylum and exclusion model, still present today.
Intramuros portrays the story of Divina dos Santos Rodrigues, a former patient of the Asylum Colony of the Juquery Branch of the Alienados Hospital of São Paulo, one of the largest asylum institutions in Brazil, consolidated as a landmark of psychiatry in the country and popularly known for overcrowding and mistreatment. Works by philosopher Michel Foucault, renowned writer Roberto Machado and journalist Daniela Arbex served as the basis for the development of this book. Through the memories of Divina and other characters present in the work, such as staff and patients, the trajectory of madness, as well as the emergence of this concept, is narrated, dialoguing with the current scenario of psychiatry and Brazilian society, and promoting a reflection on asylum and exclusion model, still present today.
Juquery , loucura , manicômio , jornalismo , Juquery , madness , asylum , journalism