Aspectos penais da nova lei de abuso de autoridade e a ofensa ao princípio da taxatividade
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Magalhães, Maria Carolina
Knippel, Edson Luz
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A presente monografia com o tema: “Aspectos Penais da Nova Lei de Abuso de Autoridade e
a Ofensa ao Princípio da Taxatividade”, tem como objetivo analisar a eficiência e a taxatividade
dessa nova lei, para que se possa realmente trazer transparência e lisura nas ações de agentes
públicos, bem como a coibição de atos ilícitos. A presente pesquisa se justifica pelo fato de que
este novo ordenamento jurídico, possui objetivos relacionados ao interesse da Administração
Pública em regular a prestação de serviço público. Neste contexto, entende-se que, quando um
agente público abusa de sua autoridade, não está agindo de acordo com o exercício regular
estatal, contrariando as regras impostas pelo titular da Administração Pública. Há também um
interesse da sociedade em geral pelo tema, que roga pela extinção do abuso de autoridades, por
parte de prestadores de serviços públicos. Porém um aspecto compreendido foi que neste
ordenamento, há falta de taxatividade, gerando insegurança jurídica, uma vez que possibilita
várias compreensões da norma, além da dificuldade de comprovar os elementos subjetivos dos
crimes de abuso de autoridade, fazem com a aplicação da lei seja praticamente nula.
This monograph with the theme: "Criminal Aspects of the New Law of Abuse of Authority and the Offense to the Principle of Tax activity", aims to analyze the efficiency and tax activity of this new law, so that it can really bring transparency and smoothness in the actions of public agents, as well as the inhibition of illegal acts. This research is justified by the fact that this new legal system has objectives related to the interest of the Public Administration in regulating the provision of public service. In this context, it is understood that when a public agent abuses his authority, he is not acting in accordance with the regular state exercise, contrary to the rules imposed by the holder of the Public Administration. There is also an interest of society in general in the subject, which is rogations for the extinction of the abuse of authorities by public service providers. However, one aspect understood was that in this order, there is a lack of taxactivity, generating legal uncertainty, since it allows several understandings of the norm, besides the difficulty of proving the subjective elements of the crimes of abuse of authority, cause the application of the law to be practically null.
This monograph with the theme: "Criminal Aspects of the New Law of Abuse of Authority and the Offense to the Principle of Tax activity", aims to analyze the efficiency and tax activity of this new law, so that it can really bring transparency and smoothness in the actions of public agents, as well as the inhibition of illegal acts. This research is justified by the fact that this new legal system has objectives related to the interest of the Public Administration in regulating the provision of public service. In this context, it is understood that when a public agent abuses his authority, he is not acting in accordance with the regular state exercise, contrary to the rules imposed by the holder of the Public Administration. There is also an interest of society in general in the subject, which is rogations for the extinction of the abuse of authorities by public service providers. However, one aspect understood was that in this order, there is a lack of taxactivity, generating legal uncertainty, since it allows several understandings of the norm, besides the difficulty of proving the subjective elements of the crimes of abuse of authority, cause the application of the law to be practically null.
abuso de autoridade , taxatividade , segurança jurídica , abuse of authority , tax activity , legal certainty