Ensino da filosofia cosmonômica no ensino médio
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Oliveira, Lia Caroline Albuquerque de
Fontes, Filipe Costa
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O trabalho tem por finalidade verificar a viabilidade de conexão entre a Base Nacional Comum Curricular, a BNCC, do Ensino Médio com a Filosofia Cosmonômica de Herman Dooyeweerd. O Novo Ensino Médio estará vigente no ano de 2022 e teve a sua carga horária aumentada devido a entrada dos itinerários formativos. Essa nova disposição viabiliza o ensino da disciplina de filosofia cosmonômica em escolas confessionais e ainda a possibilidade de se usar essa abordagem em outros itinerários, como o projeto de Vida. Sendo assim, este trabalho fará uma análise da finalidade da educação, sua errônea centralidade em momentos da sociedade ocidental que foram regidos por motivos base apostatas, bem como o verdadeiro florescimento proporcionado pela centralidade da educação em Cristo Jesus (onde o homem deve localizar seu ponto arquimediano, segundo Dooyeweerd). Portanto, estudando os pontos principais da filosofia cosmonômica, observou-se a compatibilidade com o documento normativo nacional e propôs-se um currículo para disciplina eletiva para cada ano do Ensino Médio, além de uma parte da disciplina do Projeto de Vida. A conclusão é favorável para a proposta do trabalho.
The purpose of this work is to verify the feasibility of connecting the Common National Curriculum Base, the BNCC, of High School with the Cosmonomic Philosophy of Herman Dooyeweerd. The New High School will be in force in the year 2022 and had its workload increased due to the entry of training itineraries. This new arrangement makes it possible to teach the discipline of cosmonomic philosophy in confessional schools and also the possibility of using this approach in other itineraries, such as the Life project. Therefore, this work will analyze the purpose of education, its erroneous centrality in moments of Western society that were ruled by apostate base reasons, as well as the true flowering provided by the centrality of education in Christ Jesus (where man should locate his point Archimedean, according to Dooyeweerd). Therefore, studying the main points of cosmonomic philosophy, compatibility with the national normative document was observed and a curriculum for an elective subject was proposed for each year of high school, in addition to a part of the Life Project subject. The conclusion is favorable for the work proposal.
The purpose of this work is to verify the feasibility of connecting the Common National Curriculum Base, the BNCC, of High School with the Cosmonomic Philosophy of Herman Dooyeweerd. The New High School will be in force in the year 2022 and had its workload increased due to the entry of training itineraries. This new arrangement makes it possible to teach the discipline of cosmonomic philosophy in confessional schools and also the possibility of using this approach in other itineraries, such as the Life project. Therefore, this work will analyze the purpose of education, its erroneous centrality in moments of Western society that were ruled by apostate base reasons, as well as the true flowering provided by the centrality of education in Christ Jesus (where man should locate his point Archimedean, according to Dooyeweerd). Therefore, studying the main points of cosmonomic philosophy, compatibility with the national normative document was observed and a curriculum for an elective subject was proposed for each year of high school, in addition to a part of the Life Project subject. The conclusion is favorable for the work proposal.
BNCC , filosofia cristã , filosofia cosmonômica , christian philosophy , cosmonomic philosophy , Dooyeweerd, Herman