Alterações do regime das (in)capacidades civis com a vigência do estatuto da pessoa com deficiência e os reflexos na prescrição e na decadência
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Teixeira, Laura Rocha
Bdine Junior, Hamid Charaf
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O presente trabalho tem por objetivo aprofundar os estudos sobre as grandes
transformações trazidas pela Lei nº 13.146, de 6 de julho de 2015 (Lei de Inclusão da
Pessoa com Deficiência), também conhecida como Estatuto da Pessoa com Deficiência,
no ordenamento jurídico, em especial no Direito Civil. A escolha desse tema se deu por
conta da grande polêmica em torno da reformulação do regime das incapacidades que
dividiu opiniões entre os operadores do Direito, iniciando a discussão se essas alterações
conferiram, de fato, maior autonomia e liberdade para os deficientes ou se os expuseram
a situações de vulnerabilidade. Diante do grande número de mudanças advindas desde a
vigência do Estatuto, analisou-se as influências dessas modificações, especificamente
quanto aos institutos da prescrição e decadência. Para isso, estudou-se a evolução do tema
nas Constituições brasileiras, as movimentações nacionais e internacionais que
culminaram na elaboração da Convenção sobre os Direitos das Pessoas com Deficiência
e os modelos de estrutura: moral, médico e social. Assim, aprofundou-se no estudo dos
conceitos de personalidade, capacidade de direito e capacidade de fato, bem como
curatela e a, recém inaugurada, tomada de decisão apoiada. Posteriormente, analisou-se
os reflexos das alterações nas normas protetivas da prescrição e decadência, notadamente
quanto aos artigos 198, inciso I e 208, do Código Civil, em conjunto com os métodos de
interpretação da hermenêutica jurídica. Por fim, estudou-se a pertinência das alterações
propostas pelo projeto de Lei n. 757/15 e o parecer de renomados juristas sobre a
The purpose of the presente monograph is to analyse the substantial changes brought by Law no. 13,146 of July 6th, 2015 (“Law of Inclusion of People with Disabilities”), also known as the Statute of People with Disabilities in the legal system, particularly in Civil Law. The choice of this theme was due to great controversy surrounding the reformulation of the incapacity regime that divided opinions among the legal operators, starting the discussion if these alterations, in fact, conferred greater autonomy and freedom for the people with disabilities or if it exposed them to situations of vulnerability. Given the large number of changes that came with the Statute of People with Disabilities, the influences of these modifications were analysed regarding the legal institutes of prescription and decay. For this, we studied the evolution of the theme in the Brazilian Constitutions and the national and international movements that culminated in the elaboration of the Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities. Considering Law’s role as an instrument at the disposal of society, the present study seeks to explain the concepts of personality, capacity of right, capacity of fact, as well as to analyse curatela and the recently inaugurated decision making supported. Subsequently, the impacts of the alterations in the protective articles of prescription and decay were analysed, regarding the sections 198, I and 208 of the Civil Code, along with the methods of interpretation of legal hermeneutics. Finally, we studied the relevance of the changes proposed by law project no. 757/15 and the opinion of renowned doctrinators on the approval.
The purpose of the presente monograph is to analyse the substantial changes brought by Law no. 13,146 of July 6th, 2015 (“Law of Inclusion of People with Disabilities”), also known as the Statute of People with Disabilities in the legal system, particularly in Civil Law. The choice of this theme was due to great controversy surrounding the reformulation of the incapacity regime that divided opinions among the legal operators, starting the discussion if these alterations, in fact, conferred greater autonomy and freedom for the people with disabilities or if it exposed them to situations of vulnerability. Given the large number of changes that came with the Statute of People with Disabilities, the influences of these modifications were analysed regarding the legal institutes of prescription and decay. For this, we studied the evolution of the theme in the Brazilian Constitutions and the national and international movements that culminated in the elaboration of the Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities. Considering Law’s role as an instrument at the disposal of society, the present study seeks to explain the concepts of personality, capacity of right, capacity of fact, as well as to analyse curatela and the recently inaugurated decision making supported. Subsequently, the impacts of the alterations in the protective articles of prescription and decay were analysed, regarding the sections 198, I and 208 of the Civil Code, along with the methods of interpretation of legal hermeneutics. Finally, we studied the relevance of the changes proposed by law project no. 757/15 and the opinion of renowned doctrinators on the approval.
statute of people with disabilities , law of inclusion of people with disabilities , prescription , decay , incapacity regime , estatuto da pessoa com deficiência , lei de inclusão da pessoa com deficiência , prescrição , decadência , regime das incapacidades