Relações de trabalho e a quarta revolução industrial
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Rizzo, Vincenzo Garcia
Siqueira Neto, José Francisco
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O mundo está vivenciando o começo da Quarta Revolução Industrial, onde equipamentos e ferramentais inovadores passarão a ocupar as áreas de produção, além de outros departamentos, formando a Indústria 4.0. Processo que, certamente, transformará a relação trabalhista, a partir do momento que haverá uma drástica redução da mão de obra disponível, sendo que só serão absorvidas a parcela que estiver qualificada. Além disso, as jornadas, os locais e as formas de trabalho também passarão por uma adequação ao novo perfil industrial, o que, consequentemente, já provoca a necessidade de uma adaptação das legislações e acordos trabalhistas. Enquanto países em desenvolvimento já deram importantes passos para se adaptarem a essa transformação, o Brasil apresenta o seguinte cenário: grande parte do parque industrial defasado, baixo investimento em adequação profissional e manutenção de regras trabalhistas ultrapassadas. O alerta foi dado, caso nossos governantes não tomem medidas que nos deixem o mais perto da equiparação com o mercado internacional, nossa competitividade será colocada em xeque.
The world is experiencing the beginning of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, where innovative equipment and tools will occupy the production areas, as well as other departments, forming Industry 4.0. A process that will certainly transform the labor relationship, from the moment that there will be a drastic reduction of available labor, and only the part that is qualified will be absorbed. In addition, journeys, places and forms of work will also be adapted to the new industrial profile, which, consequently, already causes the need for an adaptation of laws and labor agreements. While developing countries have taken important steps to adapt to this transformation, Brazil presents the following scenario: a large part of the industrial sector lagged behind, low investment in professional adjustment and maintenance of outdated labor rules. The alert was given, if our leaders do not take measures that leave us as close to the international market, our competitiveness will be put in check.
The world is experiencing the beginning of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, where innovative equipment and tools will occupy the production areas, as well as other departments, forming Industry 4.0. A process that will certainly transform the labor relationship, from the moment that there will be a drastic reduction of available labor, and only the part that is qualified will be absorbed. In addition, journeys, places and forms of work will also be adapted to the new industrial profile, which, consequently, already causes the need for an adaptation of laws and labor agreements. While developing countries have taken important steps to adapt to this transformation, Brazil presents the following scenario: a large part of the industrial sector lagged behind, low investment in professional adjustment and maintenance of outdated labor rules. The alert was given, if our leaders do not take measures that leave us as close to the international market, our competitiveness will be put in check.
quarta revolução industrial , indústria 4.0 , relação trabalhista , legislações trabalhistas , fourth industrial revolution , industry 4.0 , labor relations , labor legislation