O adolescente em medida de internação sob a óptica do Labelling Approach
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Inata, Laura Fávero
Andreucci, Ana Cláudia Pompeu Torezan
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A presente monografia tem por objetivo fazer uma relação entre o adolescente que está
cumprindo medida socioeducativa de internação e a teoria do etiquetamento, focando,
principalmente, nas consequências que a rotulação social traz na vida desse adolescente. Para
tanto, faz-se necessário uma abordagem sobre a evolução da legislação brasileira, no que
concerne aos direitos dos adolescentes que praticaram algum ato infracional, bem como uma
passagem sobre as medidas socioeducativas presentes no Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente.
Após algumas explanações importantes, bem com uma rápida passagem pela criminologia e
suas teorias, aprofunda-se nas consequências da rotulação, partindo-se da ideia de uma
construção do estereótipo do adolescente infrator, bem como das consequências, muitas vezes
perversa, da estigmatização. Ainda, o estudo demonstra, com base em estudos realizados por
Instituições, as dificuldades enfrentadas pelo adolescente internado, seja por conta da
superlotação das Fundações Casa, seja pela falta de apoio e de Políticas Públicas para
reestruturar sua vida. Assim, fruto do preconceito e da estigmatização, muitos adolescentes
voltam a delinquir e a reincidência torna-se uma realidade. Por fim, busca-se demonstrar como
a Justiça Restaurativa pode vir a ser uma interessante alternativa em face das medidas restritivas
de liberdade.
The following monograph aims to analyze the relationship between the adolescent that is serving a judicial measure and the labelling approach theory, focusing mainly on the consequences of social labelling in the lives of these teenagers. In order to do so, it’s important to approach the evolution of the Brazilian legislation, especially about the rights of the transgressor adolescents, as well as address the socio-educational measures present in the Brazilian legislation about kids and teenagers. After presenting some important explanations about the theme, as well as passing through criminology and its theories, this monograph will investigate the consequences of social labelling, starting from the idea that there is a social imposed stereotype of transgressor adolescents. The present study demonstrates, with strong scientific background, that there is a struggle faced by the teenager who serves a judicial measure, either due to the overcrowding of the “Fundações Casa”, or due to the lack of support and public policies to restructure their life afterwards. Thus, as a result of prejudice and stigmatization, many adolescents return to commit crimes. Lastly, this study seeks to demonstrate how the restorative justice can become an interesting alternative in comparison to restrictive measures of freedom.
The following monograph aims to analyze the relationship between the adolescent that is serving a judicial measure and the labelling approach theory, focusing mainly on the consequences of social labelling in the lives of these teenagers. In order to do so, it’s important to approach the evolution of the Brazilian legislation, especially about the rights of the transgressor adolescents, as well as address the socio-educational measures present in the Brazilian legislation about kids and teenagers. After presenting some important explanations about the theme, as well as passing through criminology and its theories, this monograph will investigate the consequences of social labelling, starting from the idea that there is a social imposed stereotype of transgressor adolescents. The present study demonstrates, with strong scientific background, that there is a struggle faced by the teenager who serves a judicial measure, either due to the overcrowding of the “Fundações Casa”, or due to the lack of support and public policies to restructure their life afterwards. Thus, as a result of prejudice and stigmatization, many adolescents return to commit crimes. Lastly, this study seeks to demonstrate how the restorative justice can become an interesting alternative in comparison to restrictive measures of freedom.
medida socioeducativa , rotulação social , criminologia , justiça restaurativa , estigmatização , socio-educational measure , social labelling , criminology , restorative justice , stigmatization