Democracia e constitucionalismo: o debate entre Habermas e Michelman

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Petroni, Juliana Mongon
Ribeiro, Hélcio
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Resende Júnior, José de
Leister, Margareth Anne
Direito Político e Econômico
The proposal of this study is to present and discuss issues related to the apparent paradox of constitutional democracy demonstrated by Frank Michelman. Based on Post's ( procedural democracy ) and Dworkin's ( democracy as a right ) ideas, Michelman seeks to demonstrate the "paradox of constitutional democracy", i.e., on the one hand, for the procedural view, it is stated that there won't be a democracy if the contents of the basic law can not be decided by the people and, second, it seeks to withdraw from the political decisionmaking process the content of a democratic regime. Those Michelman's studies brought a huge impact on constitutional doctrine and made Jünger Habermas pronounce himself about this issue. Habermas, analyzed the main ideas presented by Michelman and demonstrated that, in fact, these are complementary notions, not a paradox. This interesting debate between Habermas and Michelman brought a big impact for democracies that, created by a Constitution, established limits on popular sovereignty, which, according to Michelman, would be undemocratic, a paradox.
democracia , constitucionalismo , paradoxo , pré-compromisso , autogoverno , democracy , constitutionalism , paradox , precommitment , self-government
Assuntos Scopus
PETRONI, Juliana Mongon. Democracia e constitucionalismo: o debate entre Habermas e Michelman. 2015. 93 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Direito) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo, 2015.