O direito de mentir a partir de uma perspectiva kantiana
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Cardoso, Mateus Cosmo
Resende Junior, José
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O presente trabalho tem por principal objetivo analisar a questão da mentira, sua legitimação ética e moral numa perspectiva da filosofia do alemão Immanuel Kant. Para tanto desenvolvemos o conceito moral e ética na filosofia Kantiana em sua busca pela compreensão do homem e de sua razão, bem como, saber como estes conceitos estão ligados com o direito. Em seguida, apresentaremos as divergências entre os Filósofos, Immanuel Kant e Benjamim Constant, e suas divergências quando se trata de um suposto direito de mentir. Analisaremos também o tratamento dispensado pelo ordenamento jurídico processual penal brasileiro e como ele lida com a questão da mentira através de uma análise doutrinária, demonstrando as diversas correntes, e da jurisprudência, ao verificar o posicionamento dos Tribunais Superiores sobre o suposto direito de mentir do réu.
The main objective of this work is to analyze the question of lies, their ethical and moral legitimacy in the perspective of the German philosophy Immanuel Kant. For this we will develop the moral and ethical concept in the Kantian philosophy in its search for the understanding of the man and his reason, as well as, to know how these concepts are connected with the right. Then we will present the divergences between the Philosophers, Immanuel Kant and Benjamin Constant, and their differences when it comes to a supposed right to lie. We will also analyze the treatment provided by the Brazilian legal system of criminal procedure and how it deals with the issue of lying through a doctrinal analysis, showing the various currents, and jurisprudence verifying the position of the Superior Courts on the alleged right to lie of the defendant.
The main objective of this work is to analyze the question of lies, their ethical and moral legitimacy in the perspective of the German philosophy Immanuel Kant. For this we will develop the moral and ethical concept in the Kantian philosophy in its search for the understanding of the man and his reason, as well as, to know how these concepts are connected with the right. Then we will present the divergences between the Philosophers, Immanuel Kant and Benjamin Constant, and their differences when it comes to a supposed right to lie. We will also analyze the treatment provided by the Brazilian legal system of criminal procedure and how it deals with the issue of lying through a doctrinal analysis, showing the various currents, and jurisprudence verifying the position of the Superior Courts on the alleged right to lie of the defendant.
Kant , razão prática , moral , imperativo categórico , direito , mentira , princípio da não autoincriminação , ractical reason , moral , categorical imperative , right , lie , principle of non-self-incrimination