A responsabilidade civil decorrente dos casos de violência obstétrica
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Donadio, Giulia Pereira
Marineli, Marcelo Romão
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O presente trabalho tem por escopo analisar a violência obstétrica quanto à
responsabilização civil, nos casos de violação aos direitos das parturientes. Para tanto, serão
conceituados a violência obstétrica e os termos utilizados para descrever tal violência, os
direitos das parturientes serão apontados, bem como serão analisados os elementos da
responsabilidade civil dos profissionais de saúde e das instituições hospitalares, quando houver
comprovação de violência obstétrica, os danos causados à gestante e ao bebê, as medidas
necessárias para reparar os danos causados, assim como a importância de criação de legislação
específica para lidar com esse tema.
This study aims to analyze obstetric violence as civil liability in cases of violation of the rights of parturients. Therefore, obstetric violence will be conceptualized and the terms used to describe such violence, the rights of parturients will be pointed out, as well as the elements of civil liability of health professionals and hospital institutions will be analyzed, when there is evidence of obstetric violence, the damage caused to the pregnant woman and the baby, the measures necessary to repair the damage caused, as well as the importance of creating specific legislation to deal with this issue.
This study aims to analyze obstetric violence as civil liability in cases of violation of the rights of parturients. Therefore, obstetric violence will be conceptualized and the terms used to describe such violence, the rights of parturients will be pointed out, as well as the elements of civil liability of health professionals and hospital institutions will be analyzed, when there is evidence of obstetric violence, the damage caused to the pregnant woman and the baby, the measures necessary to repair the damage caused, as well as the importance of creating specific legislation to deal with this issue.
violência obstétrica , responsabilidade civil , indenização , direito médico , obstetric violence , civil liability , indemnity , medical law