Estratégias e políticas na nova periferia : o plano de bairro do Jardim Piratininga
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Saito, Aya
Rubio, Viviane Manzione
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Este trabalho final de graduação é resultado de 3 anos e meio de atividades na elaboração do Plano de Bairro do Jardim Piratininga e bairros adjacentes, resultando no projeto de um Centro Comunitário. Os bairros são localizados no distrito Cangaíba, subprefeitura Penha, município de São Paulo, e são delimitados ao sul, pelas linhas férreas 12 e 13 da Companhia Paulista de Trens Metropolitanos, e ao norte por um canal de circunvalação, que divide estes bairros do Parque Ecológico do Tietê. Jardim Piratininga, bairro enfoque deste estudo, é uma Zona Especial de Interesse Social do tipo 1 na Lei de Uso e Ocupação do Solo do município, caracterizado por ser um assentamento precário. Devido a isto, fez se necessário estudar o processo de periferização de São Paulo, o qual mostra que o modelo centro-periferia de entendimento deste tipo de espaço está em partes ultrapassado, já que a nova periferia está cada vez mais complexa, dinâmica e heterogênea. Este argumento se confirma ao observar o bairro Jardim Piratininga de uma forma aproximada e detalhada. Percebe-se que as políticas e estratégias de intervenção neste tipo de assentamento devem ser cada vez mais feitas deste modo mais próximo, assim como é realizado o plano de bairro. O trabalho resulta no projeto do Centro Comunitário que é uma das demandas da população local, incluído neste plano. Conclui-se por fim o quanto é importante a participação popular na elaboração de um projeto, seja ele urbano ou arquitetônico, para se entender essas dinâmicas locais.
This final graduation work is the result of 3 ½ years of activities in the elaboration of the Jardim Piratininga Neighborhood Plan and adjacent neighborhoods, resulting on a project of a Community Center. The neighborhoods are located in the Cangaíba district, Penha subprefecture, municipality of São Paulo, and are delimited to the south, by the railroad lines 12 and 13 of Companhia Paulista de Trens Metropolitanos, and to the north by a waterway bypass, which divides these neighborhoods of the Tietê Ecological Park. Jardim Piratininga, the focus of this study, is a Special Area of Social Interest Type 1 in the Land Use and Occupancy Law of the municipality, characterized by being a precarious settlement. Due to this, it was necessary to study the São Paulo peripheralization process, which shows that the center-periphery model of understanding of this type of space is outdated in parts, since the new periphery is increasingly complex, dynamic and heterogeneous. This argument is confirmed by observing the neighborhood Jardim Piratininga in an approximate and detailed way. It is perceived that the policies and strategies of intervention in this type of settlement must be increasingly done in this way closer, just as the neighborhood plan is realized. The work results on the project of the Community Center which is one of the demands of the local population included in this plan. Finally, it is concluded how important is the popular participation in the elaboration of a project, be it urban or architectural, to understand these local dynamics.
This final graduation work is the result of 3 ½ years of activities in the elaboration of the Jardim Piratininga Neighborhood Plan and adjacent neighborhoods, resulting on a project of a Community Center. The neighborhoods are located in the Cangaíba district, Penha subprefecture, municipality of São Paulo, and are delimited to the south, by the railroad lines 12 and 13 of Companhia Paulista de Trens Metropolitanos, and to the north by a waterway bypass, which divides these neighborhoods of the Tietê Ecological Park. Jardim Piratininga, the focus of this study, is a Special Area of Social Interest Type 1 in the Land Use and Occupancy Law of the municipality, characterized by being a precarious settlement. Due to this, it was necessary to study the São Paulo peripheralization process, which shows that the center-periphery model of understanding of this type of space is outdated in parts, since the new periphery is increasingly complex, dynamic and heterogeneous. This argument is confirmed by observing the neighborhood Jardim Piratininga in an approximate and detailed way. It is perceived that the policies and strategies of intervention in this type of settlement must be increasingly done in this way closer, just as the neighborhood plan is realized. The work results on the project of the Community Center which is one of the demands of the local population included in this plan. Finally, it is concluded how important is the popular participation in the elaboration of a project, be it urban or architectural, to understand these local dynamics.
nova periferia , heterogeneidade , plano de bairro , new periphery , heterogeneity , neighborhood plan