Do lado de dentro: histórias de idosos durante a pandemia de COVID-19
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Dias, Ana Beatriz Carvalho
Paiero, Denise
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Este é um trabalho que dá base a um livro-reportagem sobre histórias e vivências de
idosos durante a pandemia de Covid-19 no estado de São Paulo. As pesquisas sobre
o tema se iniciaram assim que os grupos de risco para a doença foram estabelecidos.
Os idosos, membros que possuem 60 anos ou mais, se encaixaram nessa divisão.
Entre tantas razões, destaca-se o seu sistema imunológico mais fragilizado, propenso
a contaminação e letalidade da doença gerada pelo Coronavírus. Entretanto, nem
todos estavam prontos para estacionar e tampouco contavam que teriam que se isolar
em suas casas, por tanto tempo.
A escolha do veículo pode ser expressa pela definição de livro-reportagem por
Edvaldo Pereira Lima, que menciona que, o produto desempenha papel de prestar
informação ampliada sobre os fatos. Fugindo um pouco do jornalismo coloquial,
técnicas literárias e humanizadas foram utilizadas, para gerar uma maior aproximação
com as histórias e com o período, retratado entre os anos de 2020 e 2021.
O conteúdo do livro, desenvolvido a partir das entrevistas, foi dividido entre perfis -
técnica que visa a resgatar um determinado momento da vida de uma pessoa.
Os idosos, que já carregam uma bagagem cheia de conhecimentos e aprendizados,
acrescentaram mais uma peça em sua coleção. Entre altos e baixos, perdas e ganhos,
eles contam como foi o período da pandemia para cada um.
This work is the basis for a reporting-book about the stories and experiences of the elderly during the Covid-19 pandemic in the state of São Paulo. Research on the subject began as soon as the risk groups for the disease were established. The elderly, members who are 60 years of age or older, fit in this division. Among so many reasons, its weaker immune system stands out, prone to contamination and lethality from the disease generated by Coronavirus. However, not everyone was ready to stop, neither did they expect to be isolated in their homes for so long. The choice of vehicle can be expressed by the definition of a reporting-book by Edvaldo Pereira Lima, who mentions that the product plays the role of providing expanded information about the facts. A little away from colloquial journalism, literary and humanized techniques were used to generate a closer relationship with the stories and with the period, portrayed between 2020 and 2021. The book's content, developed from the interviews, was divided between profiles - a technique that aims to rescue a certain moment in a person's life. The elderly, who already carry a bag full of knowledge and learning, have added another piece to their collection. Between ups and downs, losses, and gains, they tell how the pandemic period was for each one
This work is the basis for a reporting-book about the stories and experiences of the elderly during the Covid-19 pandemic in the state of São Paulo. Research on the subject began as soon as the risk groups for the disease were established. The elderly, members who are 60 years of age or older, fit in this division. Among so many reasons, its weaker immune system stands out, prone to contamination and lethality from the disease generated by Coronavirus. However, not everyone was ready to stop, neither did they expect to be isolated in their homes for so long. The choice of vehicle can be expressed by the definition of a reporting-book by Edvaldo Pereira Lima, who mentions that the product plays the role of providing expanded information about the facts. A little away from colloquial journalism, literary and humanized techniques were used to generate a closer relationship with the stories and with the period, portrayed between 2020 and 2021. The book's content, developed from the interviews, was divided between profiles - a technique that aims to rescue a certain moment in a person's life. The elderly, who already carry a bag full of knowledge and learning, have added another piece to their collection. Between ups and downs, losses, and gains, they tell how the pandemic period was for each one
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jornalismo , jornalismo literário , perfis , idosos , Covid-19 , journalism , literary journalism , profiles , elderly , Covid-19