A vedação à mercantilização da advocacia no Brasil como limitador fundamental na utilização das novas tecnologias
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Soeiro, Felipe Stefanini Duarte
Caldeira, Adriano César Braz
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Este trabalho tem por objetivo delimitar a vedação à mercantilização da profissão advocatícia, estabelecida como princípio profissional pelo Código de Ética e Disciplina da OAB, como parâmetro fundamental na análise da viabilidade ética e disciplinar das práticas adotadas por advogados no uso de tecnologias recentes, e que fazem ou farão parte do cotidiano jurídico em breve, tendo em vista a função social do advogado no Brasil, caracterizada como um mecanismo que visa viabilizar o acesso a direitos e que distingue a profissão jurídica das demais em sua essência.
Para tanto, analisará tanto as normas existentes relativas à vedação à mercantilização da profissão até agosto de 2021, bem como um rol selecionado de entendimentos do Tribunal de Ética e Disciplina da OABSP, referentes à diversas práticas profissionais viabilizadas pelas novas tecnologias, com a finalidade de demonstrar a existência de uma lacuna normativa existente nesse sentido e a presença de disposições aparentemente equivocadas. Ainda, verificará como o quadro atual da sociedade e dos avanços tecnológicos tem contribuído para um agravamento dos fenômenos mercantilistas no campo advocatício e os possíveis prejuízos deles decorrentes para a autonomia do profissional jurídico.
Por fim, apresentará uma proposta de regulamentação que acrescenta e altera alguns dispositivos mencionados ao longo do trabalho, com a finalidade de melhor adequar a realidade atual com o basilar princípio profissional da não mercantilização da advocacia e assim preservar sua fundamental função social no Brasil.
The present academic work aims to delimit the prohibition of the commodification of the legal profession, established as a professional principle by the Code of Ethics and Discipline of the OAB, as a fundamental parameter in the analysis of the ethical and disciplinary feasibility of the practices adopted by lawyers concerning the use of recent technologies, which are or soon will become a part of the legal routine, bearing in mind social duty of the lawyer in Brazil, characterized by a mechanism that aims to enabling access to rights for its citizens and which distinguishes the legal profession from others in its nature. It will be analyzed both the existing rules relating to the prohibition of the commodification of the legal profession until August 2021, as well as a selected list of understandings of the Court of Ethics and Discipline of the OABSP, referring the various professional practices made possible by new technologies, with the purpose of demonstrating the existence of an existing normative gap in this regard, as well as the presence of provisions which are apparently mistaken. It will also be verified how the current state of affairs in society and technological progress have contributed to an aggravation of mercantilist phenomena in the legal field, as well as the possible damage to the autonomy of the legal professional that might arise from them. Finally, it will present a regulation proposal which adds and changes some provisions mentioned throughout the work, in order to better adapt the current reality to the basic professional principle of non-commodification of the legal profession and thus preserve its fundamental social function in Brazil.
The present academic work aims to delimit the prohibition of the commodification of the legal profession, established as a professional principle by the Code of Ethics and Discipline of the OAB, as a fundamental parameter in the analysis of the ethical and disciplinary feasibility of the practices adopted by lawyers concerning the use of recent technologies, which are or soon will become a part of the legal routine, bearing in mind social duty of the lawyer in Brazil, characterized by a mechanism that aims to enabling access to rights for its citizens and which distinguishes the legal profession from others in its nature. It will be analyzed both the existing rules relating to the prohibition of the commodification of the legal profession until August 2021, as well as a selected list of understandings of the Court of Ethics and Discipline of the OABSP, referring the various professional practices made possible by new technologies, with the purpose of demonstrating the existence of an existing normative gap in this regard, as well as the presence of provisions which are apparently mistaken. It will also be verified how the current state of affairs in society and technological progress have contributed to an aggravation of mercantilist phenomena in the legal field, as well as the possible damage to the autonomy of the legal professional that might arise from them. Finally, it will present a regulation proposal which adds and changes some provisions mentioned throughout the work, in order to better adapt the current reality to the basic professional principle of non-commodification of the legal profession and thus preserve its fundamental social function in Brazil.
mercantilização , advocacia , OAB , novas tecnologias , commodification , legal profession , new technologies , regulation