Inconstitucionalidade na vedação de escolha de regime de bens para maiores de 70 anos
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Moraes, Ana Paula
Gurgel, Fernanda Pessanha do Amaral
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O presente trabalho de conclusão de curso teve como objetivo abordar a
inconstitucionalidade da imposição do regime de separação obrigatória de bens dos
maiores de setenta anos previsto no art. 1641, inciso II, do Código Civil. Para tanto,
inicialmente foram analisados os princípios constitucionais aplicáveis ao Direito de
Família, entre eles o da dignidade da pessoa humana, igualdade e liberdade, como meio
para a aferição da constitucionalidade do dispositivo em comento, devido a hierarquia da
Constituição Federal de 1988 sob as demais legislações subordinadas dela decorrentes.
Por seguinte, foi realizado um estudo sobre o instituto do casamento e dos seus
consequentes efeitos patrimoniais, bem como análise da capacidade civil necessária para
que o casamento seja possível. Posteriormente, abordou-se os regimes de bens previstos
no ordenamento jurídico, em específico o de separação obrigatória, para com base nisto
contemplar a imposição aos idosos levando em conta o aumento da expectativa de vida.
Sob ponto principal da pesquisa, evidenciou-se a posição doutrinária, jurisprudencial e
legislativa acerca do tema, de modo ainda a averiguar a capacidade civil e o estatuto do
idoso. Ao final, foram estudados a súmula 377 do Superior Tribunal Federal e o art. 45 da
Lei n° 6.517/77 que interferem diretamente no regime de separação obrigatória a depender
do caso concreto mediante o preenchimento de requisitos.
The present work of completion of course aims to address the unconstitutionality of the imposition of the mandatory separation regime for assets over seventy years provided for in art. 1641, item II, of the Civil Code. To this end, the constitutional principles applicable to Family Law were initially analyzed, including the dignity of the human person, equality and freedom, as a means of assessing the constitutionality of the device under review, due to the hierarchy of the 1988 Federal Constitution under the other subordinate legislation resulting from it. Next, a study was carried out on the marriage institute and its consequent patrimonial effects, as well as an analysis of the civil capacity necessary for marriage to be possible. Subsequently, the property regimes provided for in the legal system were addressed, specifically that of mandatory separation, in order to complement the imposition on the elderly taking into account the increase in life expectancy. Under the main point of the research, the doctrinal, jurisprudential and legislative position on the subject was evidenced, in order to ascertain the civil capacity and the status of the elderly. In the end, the summary 377 of the Superior Federal Court and art. 45 of Law No. 6,517 / 77 that directly interfere with the mandatory separation regime depending on the specific case through the fulfillment of requirements.
The present work of completion of course aims to address the unconstitutionality of the imposition of the mandatory separation regime for assets over seventy years provided for in art. 1641, item II, of the Civil Code. To this end, the constitutional principles applicable to Family Law were initially analyzed, including the dignity of the human person, equality and freedom, as a means of assessing the constitutionality of the device under review, due to the hierarchy of the 1988 Federal Constitution under the other subordinate legislation resulting from it. Next, a study was carried out on the marriage institute and its consequent patrimonial effects, as well as an analysis of the civil capacity necessary for marriage to be possible. Subsequently, the property regimes provided for in the legal system were addressed, specifically that of mandatory separation, in order to complement the imposition on the elderly taking into account the increase in life expectancy. Under the main point of the research, the doctrinal, jurisprudential and legislative position on the subject was evidenced, in order to ascertain the civil capacity and the status of the elderly. In the end, the summary 377 of the Superior Federal Court and art. 45 of Law No. 6,517 / 77 that directly interfere with the mandatory separation regime depending on the specific case through the fulfillment of requirements.
direito de família , inconstitucionalidade , regime de bens , separação obrigatória de bens , idoso , maior de setenta anos , princípios constitucionais , código civil , constituição federal , family law , unconstitutionality , property regime , mandatory separation of assets , elderly , over seventy years old , constitutional principles , civil code , federal constitution