Fake news na pandemia: responsabilidade dos agentes políticos no direito brasileiro
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Mata, Paola Consigliere
Sgrignolli, Ruth Carolina
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Durante os primeiros anos da pandemia do COVID-19 muitas fake news, ou notícias falsas, foram disseminadas por agentes e grupos políticos no Brasil, muitas com a finalidade de causar desordem e desinformação na sociedade. Essas informações referentes a uso de medicamentos preventivos ou alarmes falsos relacionados às vacinas contra o coronavírus que apareceram posteriormente acabaram por influenciar grupos na sociedade. Sabe-se que há uma cultura muito forte no Brasil de polarização política, cujos líderes de grupos ideológicos (os agentes políticos) possuem forte influência dentre aqueles que seguem a mesma vertente de pensamento. Os políticos, em sua maioria, são vistos como líderes destes movimentos e seus discursos causam grande impacto nas populações. O objetivo desta pesquisa é analisar qual o grau de influência que essas fake news tiveram na sociedade brasileira e se devem, os agentes políticos responsáveis, responder diante do direito brasileiro por suas ações.
During the first years of the COVID-19 pandemic, numerous fake news stories were disseminated by political agents and groups in Brazil, many with the purpose of causing disorder and misinformation in society. This information regarding the use of preventive medication or false alarms related to coronavirus vaccines that appeared later ended up influencing groups in society. It is known that there is a very strong culture of political polarization in Brazil, whose leaders of ideological groups (the political agents) have strong influence among those who follow the same line of thought. Politicians, in their majority, are seen as leaders of these movements, and their speeches have a great impact on the population. The objective of this research is to analyze the level of influence that those fake news have had on Brazilian society and whether the responsible political agents should respond to Brazilian law for their actions
During the first years of the COVID-19 pandemic, numerous fake news stories were disseminated by political agents and groups in Brazil, many with the purpose of causing disorder and misinformation in society. This information regarding the use of preventive medication or false alarms related to coronavirus vaccines that appeared later ended up influencing groups in society. It is known that there is a very strong culture of political polarization in Brazil, whose leaders of ideological groups (the political agents) have strong influence among those who follow the same line of thought. Politicians, in their majority, are seen as leaders of these movements, and their speeches have a great impact on the population. The objective of this research is to analyze the level of influence that those fake news have had on Brazilian society and whether the responsible political agents should respond to Brazilian law for their actions
fake news , desinformação , política , misinformation , politics