A efetividade do processo de doação de órgãos: uma reflexão sobre a legislação brasileira
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Almeida, Victoria Lang Carvalho de Barros Natel de
Alvim, Márcia Cristina de Souza
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O presente estudo abordará questões pertinentes à adoção de órgãos e suas principais dificuldades.
Existe uma deficiência de educação continuada específica para doação por parte da população e dos profissionais de saúde.
O processo de doação é de grande importância para nossa sociedade uma vez que viabiliza o retorno do paciente às suas atividades corriqueiras aumentando assim sua sobrevida.
Mas muita coisa tem que ser mudada, tem que haver uma maior conscientização dos indivíduos, para deixarem expressa aos seus familiares sua vontade antes de morrer, uma vez que estes serão questionados no momento do falecimento do possível doador.
This study will address issues relevant to the adoption of organs and their main difficulties. There is a lack of specific continuing education for donation by the population and health professionals. The donation process is of great importance to our society as it makes it possible for the patient to return to their daily activities, thus increasing their survival. But a lot of things have to be changed, there has to be a greater awareness of individuals, so that they express their will before dying to their family members, since they will be questioned at the time of the death of the possible donor.
This study will address issues relevant to the adoption of organs and their main difficulties. There is a lack of specific continuing education for donation by the population and health professionals. The donation process is of great importance to our society as it makes it possible for the patient to return to their daily activities, thus increasing their survival. But a lot of things have to be changed, there has to be a greater awareness of individuals, so that they express their will before dying to their family members, since they will be questioned at the time of the death of the possible donor.
transplante de órgãos , educação continuada , promoção da saúde , organ transplantation , continuing education , promotion of health