A condição jurídica do migrante vítima de tráfico internacional de pessoas
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Carvalho, Ingrid Fischer
Felberg, Lia
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Nos últimos anos, o número de casos de tráfico de pessoas tem crescido muito e ganhado distintas rotas e espécies. Se antes nós tínhamos o trabalho escravo ou análogo à escravidão como principal vertente do tráfico de pessoas, hoje podemos encontrar diversas outras, como a prostituição, o abuso de vulnerável e a servidão doméstica. A conduta é, inclusive, uma das espécies criminais que mais dão lucro atualmente ao redor do mundo. Levando isso em consideração, as autoridades de diversos países buscam, há anos, maneiras de conscientizar a população e punir os envolvidos, que movimentam diversas camadas da população, já que se trata de um crime complexo. O presente trabalho visa estudar com mais profundidade como ocorre o tráfico, suas principais rotas, e descobrir, ao final, como a vítima do tráfico internacional de pessoas é tratada no país.
In recent years, the number of cases of human trafficking has grown a lot and has gained different routes and species. If before we had slave labor or analogous to slavery as the main form of human trafficking, today we can find several others, such as prostitution, abuse of vulnerable people and domestic servitude. Taking this into consideration, the authorities of several countries have been searching for years for ways to make the population aware and punish those involved, who move several layers of the population, since it is a complex crime. The present work aims to study in more depth how trafficking occurs, its main routes, and to find out, in the end, how the victim of international human trafficking is treated in Brazil.
In recent years, the number of cases of human trafficking has grown a lot and has gained different routes and species. If before we had slave labor or analogous to slavery as the main form of human trafficking, today we can find several others, such as prostitution, abuse of vulnerable people and domestic servitude. Taking this into consideration, the authorities of several countries have been searching for years for ways to make the population aware and punish those involved, who move several layers of the population, since it is a complex crime. The present work aims to study in more depth how trafficking occurs, its main routes, and to find out, in the end, how the victim of international human trafficking is treated in Brazil.
tráfico de pessoas , direito internacional , direito penal , exploração sexual , human trafficking , international law , sexual exploitation , slave labor