Os impactos do racismo estrutural no exercício do poder familiar
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Lobo, Julia Vitorino
Moreira, Adilson José
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Os efeitos do racismo estrutural sobre o qual foram construídas as bases da sociedade brasileira ecoam por diversas áreas da vida da população negra, incluindo o ambiente familiar. Com efeito, por diversas vezes, a situação de vulnerabilidade socioeconômica decorrente do contexto histórico-social brasileiro, aliada à ausência de efetividade das políticas públicas destinadas à proteção à família e à estigmatização que recai sobre os arranjos familiares negros e pobres no país, representam um verdadeiro obstáculo para o exercício adequado do poder familiar, a fim de assegurar a concretização de todos os direitos inerentes a situação de peculiar desenvolvimento de crianças e adolescentes. Nesse sentido, o presente estudo tem por objetivo analisar os principais motivos pelos quais crianças e adolescentes negros são o maior contingente dentre aqueles que sofreram com a destituição do poder familiar, com o posterior cadastro no Sistema Nacional de Adoção e Acolhimento. Para tanto, serão abordados aspectos como os princípios que regem os direitos das crianças e adolescentes no Brasil, o direito à convivência familiar e comunitária, as hipóteses de perda do poder familiar e, por fim, o modo como o racismo está diretamente relacionado com as dificuldades no exercício do poder familiar.
The effects of the structural racism on which the foundations of Brazilian society were built echo in several areas of black people lives, including the family environment. Indeed, in many cases, the socioeconomic vulnerability resulting from the historical and social context of Brazil, combined with the lack of effectiveness of public policies aimed at protecting the family and the stigmatization that falls upon black and poor family arrangements in the country, represent an obstacle to the proper exercise of family power in order to ensure the realization of all the rights inherent to the peculiar developmental situation of children and adolescents. In this sense, the present study aims to analyze the main reasons why black children and adolescents are the largest contingent among those who have suffered the destitution of family power, with subsequent registration in the Brazilian National System of Adoption and Fostering. For this purpose, aspects such as the principles that govern the rights of children and adolescents in Brazil, the right to family and community life, the hypotheses of loss of family power and, finally, the way racism is related to the difficulties in exercising family power, will be addressed.
The effects of the structural racism on which the foundations of Brazilian society were built echo in several areas of black people lives, including the family environment. Indeed, in many cases, the socioeconomic vulnerability resulting from the historical and social context of Brazil, combined with the lack of effectiveness of public policies aimed at protecting the family and the stigmatization that falls upon black and poor family arrangements in the country, represent an obstacle to the proper exercise of family power in order to ensure the realization of all the rights inherent to the peculiar developmental situation of children and adolescents. In this sense, the present study aims to analyze the main reasons why black children and adolescents are the largest contingent among those who have suffered the destitution of family power, with subsequent registration in the Brazilian National System of Adoption and Fostering. For this purpose, aspects such as the principles that govern the rights of children and adolescents in Brazil, the right to family and community life, the hypotheses of loss of family power and, finally, the way racism is related to the difficulties in exercising family power, will be addressed.
poder familiar , racismo estrutural , direito da criança e do adolescente , family power , structural racism , child and adolescent rights