Relatório para realização do livro-reportagem caminhos após o clarão: histórias de seis mulheres que sobreviveram á segunda guerra mundial
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Catrinacho, Renata Pereira
Paiero, Denise Cristine
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Este relatório teve como o principal objetivo a produção do livro-reportagem Caminhos
após o clarão: Histórias de seis mulheres que sobreviveram à Segunda Guerra
Mundial. A pesquisa teve como base a Segunda Guerra Mundial e os imigrantes e
refugiados que se deslocaram para o território brasileiro durante ou posteriormente ao
período. No fundamento teórico foram utilizadas referências bibliográficas que
pudessem explicar o tema retratado, o produto, a linguagem e a abordagem. Além
disso, algumas obras também serviram como modelo para a escrita literária da peça.
Entre as principais, podem-se destacar: A Sangue Frio, de Truman Capote, Hiroshima,
de John Hersey e O Voyeur, de Gay Talese. A trama conta diferentes histórias de
mulheres que passaram por momentos angustiantes devido ao conflito bélico e, por
conta de distintos motivos, buscaram no Brasil um novo rumo para suas vidas. Diante
disso, a narrativa foi construída a partir de relatos das próprias personagens. Para
verificar a veracidade dos fatos descritos, foram realizadas buscas online de acordo
com os dados históricos e as localidades habitadas pelas fontes. No desfecho da
publicação, o leitor ainda pode descobrir como essas personalidades femininas estão
nos dias de hoje.
This report had as its main objective the production of the book-report Paths after the flash: Stories of six women who survived the World War II. The research was based on the Second World War and immigrants and refugees who moved to the Brazilian territory during or after the period. In the theoretical basis, bibliographical references that could explain the portrayed theme, the product, the language and the approach were used. In addition, some works also served as a model for the literary writing of the play. Among the main ones, the following stand out: In Cold Blood by Truman Capote, Hiroshima by John Hersey and The Voyeur's Motel by Gay Talese. The plot portraits different stories of women who went through distressing moments due to the military conflict and, for different reasons, sought a new direction for their lives in Brazil. Therefore, the narrative was based on accounts of the characters themselves. To verify the veracity of the facts described, online researches were carried out according to historical data and the locations inhabited by the sources. At the end of the publication, the reader can still discover how these female personalities are nowadays.
This report had as its main objective the production of the book-report Paths after the flash: Stories of six women who survived the World War II. The research was based on the Second World War and immigrants and refugees who moved to the Brazilian territory during or after the period. In the theoretical basis, bibliographical references that could explain the portrayed theme, the product, the language and the approach were used. In addition, some works also served as a model for the literary writing of the play. Among the main ones, the following stand out: In Cold Blood by Truman Capote, Hiroshima by John Hersey and The Voyeur's Motel by Gay Talese. The plot portraits different stories of women who went through distressing moments due to the military conflict and, for different reasons, sought a new direction for their lives in Brazil. Therefore, the narrative was based on accounts of the characters themselves. To verify the veracity of the facts described, online researches were carried out according to historical data and the locations inhabited by the sources. At the end of the publication, the reader can still discover how these female personalities are nowadays.
Acesso online;
segunda guerra mundial , mulheres imigrantes e refugiadas , jornalismo , livro-reportagem , world war II , immigrants and refugees women , journalism , book-report