Grade curricular: estudos para uma educação alternativa no sistema carcerário brasileiro
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Ramos, Henrique dos Santos
Dallari Júnior, Hélcio de Abreu
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Com uma deplorável gestão em âmbito nacional, as penitenciárias brasileiras necessitam cada vez mais trabalhar no desmonte das barreiras que separam a sociedade e o detento. Contudo, a missão das penitenciárias não se resume nas dificuldades que enfrentam perante a relação com a sociedade, mas também em outras, contraditórias, às vezes.
Educar para a liberdade, ressocializar a pessoa em condição de liberdade privada e restrita, se trata de uma tarefa enigmática, onde cada cidadão, cada autoridade política, cada comunidade, possui um papel fundamental e distinto.
Se houver o mínimo de interesse na compreensão dos fracassos da prisão moderna e, ainda mais longe, da sociedade, necessitará cavar o poço da educação, os vínculos entre as políticas educacionais e a perspectiva social da cela, onde serão demonstrados retratos degradantes daqueles que estão sob a tutela do Estado. Tão degradante que a corte italiana impossibilitou a extradição de Pizzolato, cidadão brasileiro, pelas condições degradantes em que se encontravam os cárceres brasileiros.
A pesquisa, no entanto, se aterá em realizar um panorama geral da situação dos presídios brasileiros dentro do que foi possível encontrar nas informações disponibilizados, o que evidentemente são escassas. Será também realizado um diagnóstico da atual legislação vigente sobre o tema, precedido de duas reflexões: uma sobre o homem, sujeito central da educação, e o objeto da análise: a educação e a formação.
Posteriormente, a pesquisa se voltará à atual forma de educação dos detentos, seu arcaísmo, diante do ócio e do pedantismo. Por fim, proporá uma reorganização da educação formal, onde serão inclusas oito novas matérias práticas, direcionadas aos detentos, com o objetivo de garantir um aprimoramento no exercício da cidadania.
Levando em consideração a proposta desta pesquisa, finalizar-se-á apresentando questões relativas à gestão das penitenciárias nacionais, uma possível forma de implementar áreas práticas em meio à educação formal de base sem que haja uma educação exclusiva e que, por meio de uma reflexão que não se encerra, permitirá abrir a possibilidade de discutir formas de organização e fiscalização das ações, além de rever opiniões preconceituosas e discussões vazias que ocorrem em meio aos debates acadêmicos e sociais.
O que se buscará, sem embargos, é contribuir com o espaço reflexivo nos contextos educacionais, reposicionar pensamentos distorcidos e corrigir alguns desrespeitos aos direitos sociais e humanos que refletem a desafeição social de autoridades políticas e da comunidade como um todo.
With a deplorable management nationwide, Brazilian penitentiaries increasingly need to work on dismantling the barriers that separate society and inmates. However, the mission of the penitentiaries is not limited to the difficulties they face in relation to society, but also in others, which are sometimes contradictory. Educating for freedom, re-socializing the person in a condition of private and restricted freedom, is an enigmatic task, where each citizen, each political authority, each community has a fundamental and distinct role. If there is even the slightest interest in understanding the failures of the modern prison and, even further, society, it will need to dig the well of education, the links between educational policies and the social perspective of the cell, where degrading examples of those who are under the tutelage of the State. So degrading that the Italian court made it impossible to extradite Pizzolato, a Brazilian citizen, due to the degrading conditions in which Brazilian prisons were found. The research, however, will focus on making an overview of the situation of Brazilian prisons within what was possible to find in the available information, which is evidently scarce. A diagnosis of current legislation on the subject will also be carried out, preceded by two reflections: one on man, the central subject of education, and the object of analysis: education and training. Subsequently, the research will turn to the current form of education of inmates, their archaism, in the face of idleness and pedantry. Finally, it will propose a reorganization of formal education, which will include eight new practical subjects, aimed at detainees, with the objective of guaranteeing an improvement in the exercise of citizenship. Taking into account the proposal of this research, it will end by presenting issues related to the management of national penitentiaries, a possible way to implement practical areas in the midst of formal basic education without exclusive education and that, through reflection which does not end, will open up the possibility of discussing forms of organization and inspection of actions, in addition to reviewing prejudiced opinions and empty discussions that occur in the midst of academic and social debates. What will be sought, however, is to contribute to reflective space in educational contexts, reposition distorted thoughts and correct some disrespect for social and human rights that reflect the social disaffection of political authorities and the community as a whole.
With a deplorable management nationwide, Brazilian penitentiaries increasingly need to work on dismantling the barriers that separate society and inmates. However, the mission of the penitentiaries is not limited to the difficulties they face in relation to society, but also in others, which are sometimes contradictory. Educating for freedom, re-socializing the person in a condition of private and restricted freedom, is an enigmatic task, where each citizen, each political authority, each community has a fundamental and distinct role. If there is even the slightest interest in understanding the failures of the modern prison and, even further, society, it will need to dig the well of education, the links between educational policies and the social perspective of the cell, where degrading examples of those who are under the tutelage of the State. So degrading that the Italian court made it impossible to extradite Pizzolato, a Brazilian citizen, due to the degrading conditions in which Brazilian prisons were found. The research, however, will focus on making an overview of the situation of Brazilian prisons within what was possible to find in the available information, which is evidently scarce. A diagnosis of current legislation on the subject will also be carried out, preceded by two reflections: one on man, the central subject of education, and the object of analysis: education and training. Subsequently, the research will turn to the current form of education of inmates, their archaism, in the face of idleness and pedantry. Finally, it will propose a reorganization of formal education, which will include eight new practical subjects, aimed at detainees, with the objective of guaranteeing an improvement in the exercise of citizenship. Taking into account the proposal of this research, it will end by presenting issues related to the management of national penitentiaries, a possible way to implement practical areas in the midst of formal basic education without exclusive education and that, through reflection which does not end, will open up the possibility of discussing forms of organization and inspection of actions, in addition to reviewing prejudiced opinions and empty discussions that occur in the midst of academic and social debates. What will be sought, however, is to contribute to reflective space in educational contexts, reposition distorted thoughts and correct some disrespect for social and human rights that reflect the social disaffection of political authorities and the community as a whole.
educação escolar , gestão , sistema prisional , presos , scholing , management , prison system , prisoners