Sustentabilidade x esg: uma análise a partir dos jornais
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Pereira, Catarina Durante
Ribeiro, Julia Hermoco
Bianco , Lucas Salerno
Ribeiro, Julia Hermoco
Bianco , Lucas Salerno
Prando, Rodrigo Augusto
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A sustentabilidade pode ser definida como o desenvolvimento para o não esgotamento dos recursos naturais para o futuro, já a ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance), também conhecida como ASG (Ambiental, Social e Governança) são um conjunto de padrões e boas práticas que definem se uma empresa é socialmente consciente, sustentável e gerenciada corretamente. Neste sentido o seguinte trabalho tem como finalidade compreender qual as mudanças ocorridas no âmbito organizacional, da prática e discurso da sustentabilidade para a ESG. Conceituar os termos: sustentabilidade, desenvolvimento social e ESG, mapear as práticas de sustentabilidade e ESG na sociedade brasileira e expor através de pesquisas em jornais brasileiros como esse assunto é passado para os seus leitores. A metodologia utilizada para a realização deste trabalho foi a bibliográfica e a abordagem escolhida foi de caráter qualitativo. Os resultados obtidos através da pesquisa foram de que por ser um conceito novo no Brasil as empresas ainda sentem dificuldade em executar projetos que visem a proposta ESG. As poucas empresas que aderem ao conceito ainda possuem um caminho longo pela frente, pois não existem normas e muito menos leis que permeiam o que pode ou não ser feito frente a esses projetos, com isso elas acabam sendo reconhecidas como sustentáveis, porém apresentam diversas falhas em seu sistema. Além disso, a implantação do ESG nas empresas é essencial para o futuro do planeta, por isso, assim como as empresas internacionais, as empresas brasileiras devem através de movimentos de transformações que não visam apenas o crescimento ou o destaque no mercado, começarem a realmente se importarem com a preservação do meio ambiente e os problemas sociais.
Sustainability can be defined as a development action aiming to preserve the natural resources and prevent their depletion in the future, while ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) is a set of positive practices and standards that determine if a company is socially conscious, sustainable, and well managed. Therefore, the article's aim is to comprehend what were the changes in organizational scope, and of the practice and discourse of the sustainability for ESG. Conceptualize the terms: Sustainability, social development and ESG; map ESG and sustainability practices in Brazil; and expose, through research in local newspapers, how this subject is passed on to their readers. The results obtained through the research were that, as it is a new concept in Brazil, companies found it difficult to execute projects aimed at the ESG proposal. The few companies that do adhere to the concept still have a long way to go, as there are no norms or even laws that permeate what can or cannot be done in relation to these projects, and with this they end up being recognized as competent while still having several flaws on their system. In addition, the implementation of ESG in companies is essential for the future of the planet, consequently, like international companies, Brazilian companies must, through transformation movements that not only aim at growth or to stand out in the market, begin to genuinely care about the preservation of the environment and address social problems.
Sustainability can be defined as a development action aiming to preserve the natural resources and prevent their depletion in the future, while ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) is a set of positive practices and standards that determine if a company is socially conscious, sustainable, and well managed. Therefore, the article's aim is to comprehend what were the changes in organizational scope, and of the practice and discourse of the sustainability for ESG. Conceptualize the terms: Sustainability, social development and ESG; map ESG and sustainability practices in Brazil; and expose, through research in local newspapers, how this subject is passed on to their readers. The results obtained through the research were that, as it is a new concept in Brazil, companies found it difficult to execute projects aimed at the ESG proposal. The few companies that do adhere to the concept still have a long way to go, as there are no norms or even laws that permeate what can or cannot be done in relation to these projects, and with this they end up being recognized as competent while still having several flaws on their system. In addition, the implementation of ESG in companies is essential for the future of the planet, consequently, like international companies, Brazilian companies must, through transformation movements that not only aim at growth or to stand out in the market, begin to genuinely care about the preservation of the environment and address social problems.
sustentabilidade , ESG , meio ambiente , sociedade , sustainability , ESG , environment , society