Responsabilidade civil no abandono afetivo
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Motta, Maria Carolina Teixeira
Pierson, Lia Cristina Campos
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O objetivo desta pesquisa é analisar a responsabilidade civil no
abandono afetivo de ascendentes perante seus filhos, analisando as
possibilidades da tipificação da responsabilidade civil. Para isso, será exposto
um breve histórico do conceito de família na legislação brasileira e sua constante
mudança de acordo com os tribunais. Será analisado a importância da presença
dos pais para o desenvolvimento dos filhos e quais as possíveis indenizações
em caso do abandono afetivo. Trata-se de um tema de extrema importância,
tendo em vista os inúmeros debates quanto a relação de afeto e indenização
entre pais e filhos.
T The objective of this research is to analyze the civil liability in the affective abandonment of ascendants, analyzing the possibilities of the typification of the civil liability. For this purpose, a brief history of the concept of family will be exposed in Brazilian legislation and its constant change according to the courts. It will be analyzed the importance of the presence of parents for the development of children and what are the possible damages in case of emotional abandonment. This is an extremely important issue, in view of the numerous debates regarding the relationship of affection and damages between parents and children.
T The objective of this research is to analyze the civil liability in the affective abandonment of ascendants, analyzing the possibilities of the typification of the civil liability. For this purpose, a brief history of the concept of family will be exposed in Brazilian legislation and its constant change according to the courts. It will be analyzed the importance of the presence of parents for the development of children and what are the possible damages in case of emotional abandonment. This is an extremely important issue, in view of the numerous debates regarding the relationship of affection and damages between parents and children.
responsabilidade civil , abandono afetivo , indenização , civil liability , affective abandonment , damages