Prestação de serviços estéticos: os limites do ato médico e da atuação administrativa dos órgãos de controle sanitário
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Borges, André Luis Monte
Pires, Antônio Cecílio Moreira
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Esta monografia tem por objetivo examinar a competência dos órgãos administrativos na
regulamentação dos serviços prestados pelos profissionais da saúde, considerando o conceito
de ato médico, a gradação de sua natureza invasiva no segmento da denominada cirurgia
estética ou cosmética. A natureza dos serviços ofertados nesse segmento leva em consideração
o potencial invasivo dos procedimentos. Para atingir tal objetivo, faz-se primeiro a conceituação
do ato médico de acordo com a doutrina e um breve resgate do recente histórico da
regulamentação do próprio ato médico. Somado a isso, há de se definir o quadro geral das
atividades e das competências dos conselhos federais de classes e a relação entre as
regulamentações realizadas. Em seguida, estuda-se a forma e o poder de como atuam os órgãos
de vigilância sanitária no papel de regulamentar e fiscalizar serviços prestados em relação a
área da saúde à sociedade. Por fim, expõe-se a relação entre profissionais da área da saúde e
consumidor pela prestação de serviços estéticos e a responsabilidade envolvida. Na elaboração
do trabalho, foi utilizado o método de análise doutrinária, legal e jurisprudencial.
This monograph aims to deepen the studies and discussion on the competence of administrative bodies in regulating the services provided by health professionals, especially medical acts, with a focus on aesthetic services. The character of the services analyzed takes into account the invasive potential of the procedures. To achieve this goal, the medical act is conceptualized according to the doctrine and a brief review of the recent history of the regulation of the medical act itself. In the next step, the general picture of the activities of the federal class councils and the relationship between the regulations made are analyzed. Then, the form and power of how the health surveillance agencies act in the role of regulating and supervising services provided in relation to the health area to society is studied. Finally, the relationship between health professionals and consumers for the provision of aesthetic services and the responsibility involved is exposed.
This monograph aims to deepen the studies and discussion on the competence of administrative bodies in regulating the services provided by health professionals, especially medical acts, with a focus on aesthetic services. The character of the services analyzed takes into account the invasive potential of the procedures. To achieve this goal, the medical act is conceptualized according to the doctrine and a brief review of the recent history of the regulation of the medical act itself. In the next step, the general picture of the activities of the federal class councils and the relationship between the regulations made are analyzed. Then, the form and power of how the health surveillance agencies act in the role of regulating and supervising services provided in relation to the health area to society is studied. Finally, the relationship between health professionals and consumers for the provision of aesthetic services and the responsibility involved is exposed.
ato médico , serviços estéticos , procedimentos invasivos , regulamentação , medical act , aesthetic services , invasive procedures , regulation