Reflexões sobre a inconstitucionalidade da reincidência como agravante penal
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Polesi, Lorena Marin
Felberg, Rodrigo
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Este artigo discorre acerca da reincidência como circunstância agravante de pena, a ser analisada à luz da Constituição Federal, sob as lentes de seus direitos e garantias fundamentais. Diante disso, examina-se a compatibilidade entre o instituto penal e a Carta Magna, levando em consideração não apenas o aumento de pena, mas também os demais efeitos negativos e obstáculos enfrentados pelo réu. A análise é aprofundada pelas discussões acerca das principais teorias da pena e do papel do Estado na (re)socialização do indivíduo infrator. O objetivo consiste em verificar a constitucionalidade da agravante penal e examinar a sua eficácia através de dados reais, a fim de averiguar o alcance dos propósitos para o qual foi criada. Para tanto, a metodologia empregada foi a bibliográfica, por meio do estudo de obras doutrinárias, jurisprudência, princípios e dispositivos legais positivados. Por fim, tendo como objetivo a defesa da ordem constitucional, o presente artigo propõe medidas para a adequação do instituto da recidiva ao Estado Democrático de Direito.
This article discusses recidivism as an aggravating circumstance of penalty, to be analyzed in the light of the Federal Constitution, under the lens of its fundamental rights and guarantees. Therefore, it examines the compatibility between the criminal institute and the Magna Carta, taking into account not only the increase in penalty, but also the other negative effects and obstacles faced by the defendant. The analysis is deepened by the discussions about the main theories of the penalty and the role of the State in the (re)socialization of the offending individual. The objective is to verify the constitutionality of the criminal aggravating factor and analyze its real effectiveness, verifying the scope of the purposes for which it was created. Therefore, the methodology used was the bibliographic, through the study of doctrinal works, jurisprudence, principles and positive legal provisions. Finally, having as a challenge to face the hegemonic thinking in defense of the constitutional order, this article proposes measures for the adequacy of the institute of relapse to the Democratic State of Law.
This article discusses recidivism as an aggravating circumstance of penalty, to be analyzed in the light of the Federal Constitution, under the lens of its fundamental rights and guarantees. Therefore, it examines the compatibility between the criminal institute and the Magna Carta, taking into account not only the increase in penalty, but also the other negative effects and obstacles faced by the defendant. The analysis is deepened by the discussions about the main theories of the penalty and the role of the State in the (re)socialization of the offending individual. The objective is to verify the constitutionality of the criminal aggravating factor and analyze its real effectiveness, verifying the scope of the purposes for which it was created. Therefore, the methodology used was the bibliographic, through the study of doctrinal works, jurisprudence, principles and positive legal provisions. Finally, having as a challenge to face the hegemonic thinking in defense of the constitutional order, this article proposes measures for the adequacy of the institute of relapse to the Democratic State of Law.
reincidência , circunstância agravante , constitucionalidade , direitos fundamentais , teorias da pena , recidivism , aggravating circumstance , constitutionality , fundamental rights , theories of prision , resocialization